The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Last part is a good point. Can’t see him agreeing to debate unless he’s confident he can do it without coughing.

C’mon man


No way should Biden be agreeing to debate if Trump is going to have a hacking cough 12 feet away from him. If he starts frequently coughing and hadn’t revealed that in advance, Biden should say he continues to mislead the American people, continues to endanger those around him, and walk off.

That’s another pretty good point. Honestly Trump should just concede. If he wins despite all of this I mean it. Time for us to abandon ship because separate from all of the death and suffering caused by this trainwreck, it’s awe inspiring to witness this disastrous a collapse of an awful person who seemed invincible.

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The Oscars?

I thought there were some pretty good zingers in SNL’s debate opener, but jfc it went on way too long. So many moments that I thought were setups for the other person to respond “… live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”

Instead Baldwin or Carrey would somehow find a way to continue the same joke for thirteen more minutes.


Has there ever been backstory put out on how they came up with the most genius casting decision of all time - McCarthy as Spicer? That is a story I’d love to read.

I’d bet a ton that’s what put a nail in his coffin with Trump.


McSally is toast.

Never heard about that. True, true, interesting speculation. I wonder if Melissa heard they were looking and she told her agent to put her up for it. Maybe he balked and was like Melissa, lol? But she insisted and here we are.

You’re joking, but given what we know about the virus, we’re like 50/50 from this outcome if he insists on doing the next debate.

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This idiot has 688k followers.


Biden definitely should require multiple negative tests that are administered by a doctor of Biden’s choosing. Absolutely no way should he trust any medical information from Trump’s team.


Trump, most likely.


Stolen from Reddit. Pretty spot on.

“ Evangelical logic: If an unmarried young lady gets pregnant, that is her fault because she engaged in the behavior and deserves to be shunned and humiliated. If a black man is killed by the police it is his fault for twitching an eyebrow or not having a suffiently subservient tone of voice. If the president, who refused all simple guidance of his own medical professionals, who mocked masks, who touted unproven theories and treatments, gets COVID-19, it is not his fault and any suggestion that he could have been more careful is quickly condemned as wishing the man dead.”


Medical professionals shouldn’t be forced to negotiate with terrorists.


“Kayleigh” as a name was pretty popular with white upper middle class people in the late 90s, it soared to popularity in the 2000s and then fell off rapidly. Tons of girls’ names follow patterns like this, while boys’ names tend to be more persistent and less subject to fads on average (not that there aren’t fads, like Liam these days).

You know, it makes sense. Jared and Ivanka probably want Trump to lose bigly so all this can be over, Eric is so dumb he actually thinks his dad is doing great, only Don Jr actually sees what Trump is doing is crazy and genuinely wants to get him to stop so he can be re-elected.


Gunnar would like to have a word with you.

When I worked at an amusement park in Kansas City - I was convinced half of all adult women would be named Ashley in 20 years.

The kid I had in my life went to school in an upper-middle-class neighborhood in LA. Only the Asian kids had normal names like Amy and Karen.

“The Press Secretaracy of Kayleigh McEnany: REKT”

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