The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I’m telling ya. He had a mini-stroke during that gap where he went to the hospital all of a sudden. Look at the right side of his face compared to his left.

The real danger will be when it’s called for Biden and people take to the streets to celebrate. Lot of easy targets for some psychos.

Other science bros:

Couldn’t Mary Trump’s autosomal DNA sequence be compared against the sample from E Jean Carroll? Get something in the neighborhood of 25%? Does Mary have a Donald hating brother that gives a Y?

(I’m assuming a full profile can be generated from semen?)

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They do this kind of stuff in TV shows all the time.

Hey here comes that wall he’s been talking about for the last 5 years!


Can’t be removed from office if you can’t get out of the White House.


Lots of places in DC are preparing for some level of unrest. Extra security, heightened scrutiny to get into offices/apartment buildings, glass windows getting boarded up, etc. George Washington University (which is within an easy walk of the White House) sent out a pretty amusing letter telling their students to stock up on food, medicine, etc., in case stores are closed or they don’t feel safe leaving their homes.

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“In my opinion those patriots did nothing wrong”

Followed by:

What an absolutely normal day this is, nothing going on at all. Election day won’t be a shitfest of gargantuan proportions, and the election will be cleanly and smoothly over in the early morning of the 4th.

Seriously, what an insane tweet.


From the “it’s always projection” POV, this is alarming.

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doesn’t look all that different to me.

wouldn’t be a ‘mini-stroke’ either. Would have been a stroke.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Jesus. Quite the tweets.

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He went full QAnon tonight, btw

I was worring about this today. What if some crazies come in and start taking ballots. What is the security like in those places? I dont think they are all in one place though right. Would they be spread out in all the different preiceints?

Let’s just hope it doesn’t come down to PA.

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Not only does it look like all or a majority of Philadelphia’s are in the same place, they let news cameras in for a tour last week and disclosed the exact location.

Well thats just great. They better lock it down like fort knox.