The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Marxists, special interests and lobbyists! Thats an impressive mix!


He should probably be spending this time back-channeling immunity.

This is not helping, but the dude only has one gear.

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lol he must be looking at the same polls we are if he thinks people are forgetting stuff

  1. Intellectual consistency has never been a requirement for Trump. He always approves of any story that makes him look good. In fact, itā€™s sometimes better to be able to cite the folks that are perceived to be biased against you. He can just say, look, ā€œeven CNN and MSDNC have me ahead, so you know I must be winning.ā€

  2. If he really cares about appealing to a non media source, there are actual vote counts put out by the states that could show him ahead. You just skip the part where those results are not necessarily representative of the entire voting population and claim that the numbers are only shifting towards the democrats because they started stuffing the ballots after the early numbers showed that they were going to lose.


Would probably save a lot of violence and maybe even lives, and a ton of other horribleness if all the major news stations agreed to not report results in PA until 100% of the vote was in.

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That onus is on the state. If they release numbers, you canā€™t really expect media to ignore them.


Iā€™m not sure this is true. If they just do nothing then suddenly announce the winner on Friday or whatever, it would probably be worse. I think it is more important for the media to not air Trumpā€™s incitement. That includes twitter, which needs to ban him the instant it starts.


I mean it wonā€™t matter anyways, weā€™re crushing election night binking FL/NC/GA


Iā€™d be pleasantly shocked if we got all 3.

If Trump had tweeted out ā€œEven 007 couldnā€™t outlast MEā€ heā€™d be winning in the polls today.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )


Oh lovely. Lacks a stand down and stand by though. That will come tomorrow Iā€™m sure.

I think the harassment of Biden volunteers and campaigners is about to get worse.


Honestly heā€™s probably gonna straight up tell people they need to stop the count in Philadelphia and theyā€™re going to try.

If itā€™s close and comes down to PA weā€™re going to see chaos like most of us couldnā€™t even imagine.

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Honestly at this point I think him and his team get their direction from general facebook posts/online posts. Because his position pretty much always seems to be whats being said in those forums.

Twitter has to ban him when he starts calling for (more) violence. It is a disgrace they havenā€™t done so yet.



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Holy crap - Australian betting ad on during NFL. WOAT Trump impression?