The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Melatonin fucks my sleep up and gives me brain fog and almost a hangover thr next day. I read you’re only supposed to take like .5 mg or so




Yeah 300mcg is supposed to be the optimal dose but all you can find is silly amounts on store shelves it seems because “more is better”. I order the small dose from amazon.

It is both fascinating psychology and downright fucking pathetic that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY WILL EVER JUST TELL THIS FAT FUCK “NO, YOU CAN’T DO THAT YOU FUCKING MORON.”


Clearly this dude is just here to win the jmakin weekly like per post update


I somehow misunderstood the events with Mr Presidents Wild Ride. I thought that he was discharged and drove home rather than flying, and that’s what everyone was mad about, which seemed excessive. But apparently he just drove around in a circle?? What the fuck.


She should meet some of the Trump voters whose illegal immigrant spouses who now live in “home” countries they don’t even remember

Standard NPD. Ludicrously overblown self-esteem requires validation from signs of admiration.

Thank god there’s no one like that on this forum.

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I use melatonin when I travel or go through periods of not sleeping well.

It helps some w falling asleep but for me it helps most with staying asleep or falling back to sleep if I do wake during the night. Just keeps my brain from engaging. 3mg clears in about 8h and if I need to wake up I can power through and become fully alert.

Be prepared for some lucid dreams to start.

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I was told that because it’s not a sedative/hypnotic like ambien or vistaril, that it wouldn’t become habit-forming. I work nights, and when I work one night and I’m back the following night, I really have to be in bed asleep around 9 a.m. I generally don’t take anything if I’m off, and I haven’t noticed any difficulty sleeping when I don’t take it.

I will say that if I get less than 8 hours of sleep with melatonin, sometimes I feel foggy at first when I wake up. But I’ve definitely noticed it’s easier for me to fall asleep if I go to bed when I’m not particularly tired with melatonin, so it’s worth it for me for that.

When i take melatonin and have to wake up unnaturally its like your brain is slush.
If you get to sleep through it’s great though

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Everyone probably gets to do that once. And then they aren’t around anymore and he does whatever it was anyway.

I mean, I get that in the White House. I don’t get it in a god damn hospital.

There are at least two secret service agents standing there ready to follow his orders. What are you going to do exactly? The doctors ITT have been pretty clear that a patient can do almost anything they want as long as it’s very very clear it’s against medical advice.

I’m glad he went for a drive. The optics of it were absolutely terrible.

To be very clear I’m not intending to criticize you. I just suspect that a great many people have snapped at Trump lifetime and called him a fat fucking idiot to his face. I’m also pretty sure it rolls off him like water off a ducks back. Lord knows the people with personality disorders I’ve known in my life are utterly immune to emotional damage from being told off. They get really upset for like a day max and then they forget it ever happened.


I use doxepin - prescribed in liquid form. It’s been a wonder drug. Helps me go to sleep and stay asleep (which was the problem). I never feel foggy in the morning and I’ve barely built up any tolerance in like 12 years of using it.

Haven’t look at this too closely, but I think this description is probably a little bit overblown. Remember that earlier this year the Supreme Court ruled in the McGirt case that a large portion of Oklahoma was actually Indian country, so I imagine this comes in response to that opinion probably to try to clarify environmental regulatory jurisdiction in light of tHat decision.

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I thought Melatonin was something mums give there young kids because they think it helps them sleep. Although I’ve heard it useless.

Not sure I agree with this wrt Trump. He seems to obviously hold grudges for a very long time unless his niece and many others are lying about him.


Well that went in a slightly different direction than i was expecting