The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I’ve covered the screen with my hand and looked at just the left flag, just the right flag, and the small flag and I don’t see anything.


Use the video that loops in the tweet I posted from atrupar. Look at the bottom right stripe in the American flag, at the spot where there are little ripples in it. You should see it when he makes the snorting sound.

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So the edit involves multiple takes?

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These are the guys who couldn’t be bothered to have anything written on the papers Trump had at his big press conference proving he wouldn’t be influenced by his business.

He could be 99% fine and they’d still badly stage the photos–its not like he reads documents anyway.


No. But since they knew they might have to cut a few seconds out here or there they would want no movement that would make it easy to catch. If his hand was off by even an inch on the cut, it would be glaring. Instead I’m analyzing ripples on a flag.

When i post pics in this forum i usually edit them and then screen cap the edited pic before i upload it. Not because I’m paranoid, but because it’s good practice (as in methodology).


Maybe, but as with all things Trump, it’s probably best to go with the simplest explanation… laziness.

He’s got the 'rona. He’s been coughing all day. They told him to hold relatively still and they’d edit out any coughs. He coughed once, they had an intern edit it out, said “good enough,” and called it a day.


Ok but it’s not like the flag is moving indoors. The flag should be less still than his hands even if he’s trying to stay as still as possible.

Chiefsplanet Qanon guy is saying Trump’s on a boat.

Is it the Love Boat on his way to Fantasy Island?

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Honestly, I have decent hopes for the results in 2020. Not sure what to look at for the Steven Miller led Republicans in 2032.

He has the charisma of a dead fish. But he’ll be the Rasputin for whatever hell-spawn emerges.

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More still, yes, but anything in the room moving or any change in the lighting could cause this. If there’s a window it could be as simple as a cloud moving from in front of the sun.

Air conditioning current could also move the flag slightly.

I was looking first for a physical motion jump, like his hands being slightly moved or something on the desk being moved. Sometimes you catch mistakes like that in TV shows where physical items move around the frame because they edited different takes together.

There was nothing obvious in that regard, so I just kept picking spots looking and caught the lighting on the flag.

Pretty sure Alex Jones/Don Bondingo asshole Trump retweets are the front runners for 2024.

We never knew how much we would miss Karl Rove until he was gone.


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Some people call him the space cowboy.


I did.