The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


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( twitter | raw text )

he mad he mad

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( twitter | raw text )

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part of me is nervous obviously, because riggaments are still in play. but if trmp was actually sure the cheating would succeed, he wouldn’t panic quite so much this close to the day. and that makes me feel better.


What do you see as signs of his panic? Not a gotcha question, just curious about what stands out to you.


This is not parody


He begs suburban women to vote for him.

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That was a joke!

Or was it Trump that was a joke? I get the two confused all the time.

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I had a very similar thought earlier today. It took a severely botched pandemic response, 4 years of his insanity on full display, lots of ad money and ads from republicans, and a non zero percentage of Republican voters voting against him to get us where we are right now. He has a very live chance to win, and that makes me fear for the future even if he loses.


LOL at his Twitter picture.

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“I think the Senate is tough actually. The Senate is very tough,” Trump said at a fundraiser Thursday at the Nashville Marriott, according to an attendee. “There are a couple senators I can’t really get involved in. I just can’t do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can’t help some of them. I don’t want to help some of them.”


“We’re going to take Alabama. We got rid of Jeff Sessions. Thank goodness. He was the worst. I would have gone for the Democrat over him. That wouldn’t have been too good,” Trump said

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Lol, man oh man that would have been something to behold seeing Trump endorse Jones to own Sessions. I’m sure it wouldn’t have actually happenned, but still.

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Mitch would have punked him. With the polling the way it is, Mitch holds on all the power until after the election. Its why no stimulus passed. Trump wanted it badly but he has no power right now, randomly attacking Republicans right now would make his election chances even worse and would lose him the people who just vote for him because he’s a Republican.

Though if he wins, he will definitely fuck them up for this.

crazy that within a matter of months trump was able to change his voting residence from 100% D to a super swing state where he doesn’t even live.

like can i incorporate a business in a PO box in kentucky and vote from there in 2022? like if i put a sleeping bag in a safe deposit box in a bank in kentucky, i mean, that’s my business headquarters and i can stay there any time i want

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I mean yeah but the only reason LP tilts him is because it’s made up of Republicans, one of whom has a wife who until very recently worked inside the White House. There are memesters and PACs and whatnot trolling him everywhere from the left, but he doesn’t notice because it’s expected, so it isn’t novel.

obey the law in the face of trump wanting you to break the law and a lifetime of apparently sincere devotion to conservative politics gets you completely laughed out of government and the party lolol

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