The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

trump was on a phone call with bibi to announce this and trump tried to get him to say that “sleepy joe would never be able to get a deal like this done” and this was too over the line even for bibi. He just sputtered out a really wobbly “uhhhhh we’re happy to work with america”


POTUS begging like a dog for praise, sad!

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Holy shit, I thought you were joking.


Bibi is a fuck face (in before Billy Ripken’s bat), but that was a hell of a diplomatic answer. He knew Trump was being a shit and he knows he will likely have to work with Biden soon.


My son lives out in the sticks. They have two cats that live in their garage and spend their time hunting, cause it’s their job.

As far as I know

LOL at Trump’s face when Netanyahu says that.


So apparently their is some new executive order that massively changes the way civil service jobs work making them all basically patronage. Trump could fire all the career folks on a whim or on the way out the door?

Yikes. Anyone know more?

Cats shouldn’t be allowed to free range. It’s not just birds either. Domestic free range cats destroy the ecosystem in our urban canyon parks by killing all the lizards and such. Australia is moving in the right direction…


Of course this will not derail the ACB train.




“Trump’s order creates a new category of federal employment, Schedule F, and gives agencies 90 days to determine which policy-related positions should attain the new status. Those employees could then be removed for performance reasons without the opportunity to contest the decision or rely on union representation.”

“But Rosenberg sees another potential side effect of the order: current political appointees could be among employees transitioned into the new Schedule F category, a way to “burrow in” employees that typically turn over with a change in administration.”

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Maybe a naive question, but can’t things done by EO be undone by subsequent EO?

Sometimes you need an outdoor cat to take the fight to the mice

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Different article on same topic:

It is egregious. Hopefully trump loses and it is rolled back. I seem to remember from when Trump took over that all executive orders issued in the previous 120 days or something can easily be rolled back by the next president.


I’ve been coordinating bird surveys for wind projects for years. They certainly kill birds but at levels far below things like fossil fuels. Additionally, we are getting better at sighting the turbines to avoid migration corridors and installing things to deter birds.

They are actually worse for bats in some cases.

People make this mistake all the time when it comes to environmental issues. It’s irrelevant if technology A is bad for some valued ecosystem component. All that matters is it is worse than the alternative. It’s aways a matter of comparison and balance.


They can be rolled back. Especially ones that were recently issued. I remember when Trump took office he was able to roll back a bunch of recent Obama EOs. The whole EO thing makes little sense to me.

For the record Trump is a cat person.


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