The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

You are likely correct from a strategy perspective.

“I mean hey, we all agree Jesus founded America, right?”


Shit I wished he stood there to see how long Trump could fake working.


I for sure hope he’ll raise your taxes to a level never seen before.


Wish I could vote for Trump’s Biden


It wouldn’t delay anything even if the house impeached Barr. McConnell can schedule Barr’s trial after the Barrett vote.

STFU bro, you already raised my taxes like a bitch

Republican: I won’t hate you for wanting everyone to have access to healthcare, believing that LGBTQ+ people should have the same rights as non-LGBTQ+ people, not allowing private businesses to destroy our environment and natural resources, and saying that cops shouldn’t wantonly murder minorities at will.

Democrat: And I won’t hate you for putting immigrant children in cages and then forgetting who their parents are, supporting or turning a blind eye to openly white supremacist domestic terrorists, undermining the rule of law in the name of plutocracy and fascism, and denying objectively correct scientific facts.

Democrat and Republican, together: See, we’re the same!




in-laws got this email. judging by address, they thought it was through some utilities customer database.

obviously worrying signs, although i hope they are incompetent to scam through scare tactics without ransomware capability.

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White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said there is a “high probability” that President Trump will release an interview he did with 60 Minutes before it airs Sunday, and accused journalist Lesley Stahl of acting “more like an opinion journalist.

“He didn’t walk out,” Meadows told Fox Business on Wednesday. “I mean, the characterization of that – he spent over 45 minutes with Lesley Stahl. I’ve looked at every single minute of the interview and then some. We have tape of every single minute.”

“Listen,” he continued, “when you have a 60 Minutes reporter, they should be a reporter not an opinion journalist. And she came across more like an opinion journalist.”

This is like 100% a Streisand effect scenario, right? I mean, I guess it was so bad they feel a desperate need to control the narrative, but even if it was horrific, far fewer people were going to be watching it if they just said nothing and let it run on 60 Minutes.

For example, the interview with that Australian guy was terrible, and yes it went viral for a day or two, but a week later anybody who isn’t dialed into politics didn’t know and didn’t care about it.

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Did I miss the part of that ad that said they were the same?

I don’t get what this means, “Trump will release” the interview. How? Does Trump control CBS’ video library or something? What is he going to “release?” White House security camera footage?


I was wondering the same. I suppose it’s possible that they somehow agree that the WH can use video of any interview he does or something. Maybe Scavino is crouched in the corner taping the whole thing on his iPhone.

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Yeah I guess maybe they had their own camera(s) rolling. That would make sense. Otherwise I’m imagining Trump snatching the camera out of the guy’s hands before he stormed out of the interview :laughing: or ripping the film out of the camera like Barzini at Connie’s wedding in One.

( twitter | raw text )

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Some folks seem to claim there is a rule (law?) that any impeachment from house must be taken up immediately by the Senate.

Of course, lol rulez. Rulez were made to be broken.


I guess so? Republican policies are so odious that they should be taken to task for them. Acting all chummy with them whitewashes how horrible they are, and it makes it seems as if the two are not as far apart as they actually are. Maybe their policy proposals aren’t exactly the same, but they’re making it appear that the moral proposition of voting for one or the other is equivalent, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.


Trump was impeached in the middle of December and the trial started in the middle of January. Clinton was impeached on December 19 and his trial started January 7, they decided on rules and procedures on January 8, and the trial was recessed until January 14 while both sides filed briefs. So even if the trial has to start as soon as the articles are received, McConnell could just recess it until the Barr files a brief in his defense. And what’s left for Barrett’s confirmation? Just a straight up or down vote, would take like a half hour.

if this somehow does work, trying to jam ACB in after the election would make court packing a LOT more palatable to the handwringers

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