The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

The fact that it’s an obvious lie? Why are they asking for the money in the first place if they(presumably Donald himself) can put up $8.25 for every dollar donated?

Conservatives will just say that this is an example of why Capitalism is America A#1.

Not sure I follow the logic, but obv there doesn’t have to be any.

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Communism bad. Capitalism good. Proof is DEAR MAGA LEADER pays more taxes in China than USA. Checkmate libtard.


I guess I don’t follow. Who is doing the matching? Matching it out of existing campaign funds doesn’t sound like what they are talking about. They are trying to entice people to donate by saying their $1 magically turns into $9.25 of new money for Trump. That obviously isn’t happening and is textbook fraud.

Even worse? The opposite is happening with hundreds of millions simply being stolen by Trump and his cronies. If that is legal our election laws need even more help that I thought.

Trump’s a corrupt, hypocritical motherfucker, obviously, but that latest NYT article is disingenuous imo.

If you read it then the Chinese bank account was not hidden, and the 15 million payment (which certainly looks like the sort of corruption that fuels Trump’s ‘business’) is not linked to China or to Trump’s company in China or to the Chinese bank account. It passed via a company that “is also involved in management of other Trump-branded properties around the world” and which owns, among others, the company with the Chinese account, but that’s it.

Obviously there’s a story in pointing out Trump’s hypocrisy on business with China, but mixing in something they have no reason to suppose is connected in a way clearly intended to give that impression is BS. As is then going on to highlight every also unrelated link with every possibly dodgy Chinese person they can find. The impression it tries to give is exactly the same as Trump’s xenophobic nonsense.

Highly doubt Pelosi and Schumer would try this.

Lawbros— any chance of success if they did it. I assume it would only be a delay cause Mitch would jam it thru lame duck. Might keep her out of any election cases?

I imagine God with a terrible case of the giggles, saying to St. Peter “That motherfucker actually believed me!”


If he’s going to do it lame duck then you just impeach Trump every single day during the lame duck session
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You want to remove the payroll tax that funds it. Intriguing strategy.

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If you watch that Eric Bolling video, Trump’s face seems to be covered in shit. His orange tan is such horrible make-up.


I’m sure I’ll get mocked for my WW brain but this kind for thing seems like a breathe of fresh air.


Sure. My instinct though is this is terrible strategy for Democrats because the false narrative “both parties are actually the same and it doesn’t matter which one you vote for” helps Republicans. And all this chummy kumbaya stuff while the country is in disarray provides a bump to that narrative.

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