The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


It’s been going on forever too. In the 80s I used to get in arguments with my super-lefty anarchy-flirting whatever-the-next-radical-trend friends. I was like, ok guys this is all fun - yes the US sucks - but we can at least agree we have more freedom here than the USSR, right? They sneered at me and told me not to be so naive. Always the sneer. Clever people know it is all a lie.


Welp, I’m convinced.

What else is a pastie? I’ve always known them to be delicious pies

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Nipple covers used in burlesque shows.


lightly seasoned… heheh

Ben Rhodes confirmed mad at Trump…because he doesn’t coup well enough. I know the world is busted because this guy gets a defense in the forum from someone with “socialist” in the handle

i got you bro. doesn’t read like rhodes was advocating american interference there. a coup to the center via voting? lol.

problem wasn’t that Evo is socialist or not. he was using his onetime popularity to become one-man rule for life. he was rejected, but trmp made the next best thing possible — one-party rule for life. gjge. where’s his reagan war prize ?

Seems like the people were just fine with whatever you claim Evo was doing

The referendum was held on 21 February 2016 and the proposed amendment was narrowly rejected by 51.3% to 48.7%. A successful ‘yes’ vote would have allowed President Evo Morales and Vice President Álvaro García Linera to run for another term in office in 2019. Morales had already been elected three times.

i mean, i don’t think i ever led you to believe i just support whatever any old socialist says, did i?

I’m talking about the latest election where his party won by a landslide. Seems like they weren’t big mad or anything. Doesn’t seem like they need clown Ben Rhodes and Competent Imperialism to smooth things out.

Yeah it’s big time clown shit to have your screen name and then defend Ben Rhodes view that we need competent imperialism to deal with the Latin American left

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referring to the article, evo’s party weaponized trmp-rubio’s hard-line rhetoric because of course trmp-rubio weaponizes socialist policies in american elections



his one tweet about “incompetent imperialism “ is not an endorsement of “competent imperialism.”

moreover, i’m certainly unfamiliar with his detailed stance on bolivia, though i supported obama’s thaw with cuba. if you show me some positions, i’ll respond whether the spirit of my screenname agrees with them or not.

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i have not been called far left in a while. thanks for that!

speaking as a clinton>obama, clinton>sanders, warren>pete>sanders primary voter over here. i’m sorta realizing you probably think i am an actual homer for whoever calls themselves socialist. power to the people though!!!

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Did this guy miss the memo to ignore W?


i’m new. took me awhile to ignore keeed too


Meh. It’s 2020. John Kasich is far left.


Definitely. It was only due to a mistake in crowd management that Hinkley got close enough to shoot at Reagan, and he got tagged by a crazy fluke ricochet of the last shot fired.