The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

One of these is not like the other… One of these is not the same.

Shhh let him get it out. He’s been boiling a long time.


And at least with my abortion-obsessed Mom - I’m convinced it’s giving her a very easy decision to vote for Biden. She said SCOTUS was the only reason she voted for Trump in 2016 (or implied she voted for Trump).

Trump just wanted his ass kissed apparently.
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Lawbros still out there smugly embarrassing themselves


Pushes up glasses Actually, the movie was called T-2. The robot doing the voice impersonation was the T-1000. Prior to that, the T-800 also showed abilities to impersonate voices

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I don’t know what the bot is posting, but from Rupar’s thread, I gotta say that Trump saying “Make America Great Again, Again” is pretty funny.

Not actually effective, I don’t think, but kinda funny.
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And this was exactly the argument I made that on balance the ACB confirmation should hurt the GOP slightly.

Mittens tried to be like all those others but Trump clowned him. That’s pretty much the only difference.

Now he’s pretending to be some better person. No he ain’t; he just keeps working whatever avenue he finds himself in. Fuck Mitt too!

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Yep, might hurt the GOP in this election, will hurt the country a LOT for the next 40 years. Awesome!

I think ACB is the first SCOTUS judge more likely than not to outlive me at 51.

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Nah don’t they get secret service protection?

If the Lincoln project is grifting their grift is better than the Dems or lefties playing their A game. If it’s a scam I’d be happy to order another round.
[Looking for the right analogy here: when someone thinks they’re scamming you but you are aware and still think you’re getting a great deal?]


I for one am perfectly happy to watch one group of deplorable people ratfuck another group of deplorable people.


I don’t trust this Forbes guy. Trump always acts like he’s dead broke and bitter about it. I suspect there is a lot he’s missing, one being that Trump’s “brand” is worth shit, not $1bn or whatever. And you can’t go to a bank and withdraw a brand.

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There’s definitely a class of single issue anti-abortion women who dislike Trump, especially those from conservative families. The NY Times podcast had an interview with one, she wants Roe v Wade gone but thought ABC nomination was dirty and that Trump is bad news. She was undecided but seemed like she was leaning Biden. This may be like 5% of Trump’s voters.