The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.
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Well… Rudy is going to jail for sure now.


It’s obviously a rerun of “But her emails” for this election, because that worked last time.



I still am not sure what the dates are supposed to prove - other than they conveniently don’t have the unforgeable hash in the email header.

But there is this:


Trump is going to look like a fucking lunatic ranting about Hunter Biden in response to voter questions about Coronavirus.


Yeah like every fish on a heater there is no magic… Eventually their own stupidity overwhelms their insane run good and it all crashes down.

More likely than not this was supposed to be the october surprise :joy::rofl::joy:. Fuck Comey forever and always.

Great work by Rudy Grulliani

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Shouldn’t they be better at this?

I don’t think their intention is a perfect job but rather the destruction of credibility. Then you might as well half-ass it, sit back and enjoy the chaos.


A heady brew of panic from desperation, incompetence and one eye on potential escape routes.

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Remember when the Dems had a chance to arrest Rudy at a baseball game, but decided not to because, “Lol silly goose, there isn’t even a jail for people like him!” Fun times.

They don’t need to be better–just look at how deeply this story has penetrated the derposphere on media like Facebook. Fucking hell NYT’s own MAGA HABERMAN RE TWEETED IT. No one is going to remember the technical explanations for why it’s bullshit. Any deplorable who somehow comes across the true story will just “fake news” it away. They are as good at this as they have to be to get idiots to believe it, which doesn’t require much.

This isn’t “her emails” because a lot more people are wise to Trump’s bullshit, and this is probably just bouncing around the networks of core believers that were voting Trump anyways, but it’s still going to be part of the political discourse for the next 4 years if Biden wins. Hell, Clinton didn’t even win and Republican congresscritters STILL bring up Benghazi every few months.


The GOP’s fantasy universe has become so baroque that even regular Fox News watchers like Trump seem to be confused by it. In 2016 people knew they hated Hillary, but are they going to be excited about locking up… Bruce Orr?

Who the fuck is Bruce Orr? Should I know who that is?

He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.


Was thinking the same. I have no idea who that is.

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Seems this evil agent of the deep state had his name spelt wrong


I think he shared the Steele dossier with the FBI without telling his supervisors, or something, and his wife was contract by Fusion GPS and donated to Hillary or something, I don’t know all the stupid details. A big grievance of Trunp of course. This is his wiki: Bruce Ohr - Wikipedia

Trump’s audience doesn’t really know who is either, they aren’t getting very excited by Trump’s whining.