The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

i’m thinking whitehouse infosec

I’m still making up my mind whether to pay any attention to this Hunter Biden crap. That being the case, I find it hard to believe it’s going to interest a significant number of voters. I mean beyond parroting bullshit that Trump spews. I guess I’ll see what happens after he runs it up the flagpole tomorrow night.


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Metadata will always be the bane of C+ students.

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What’s metadata?

Not a C+ student. Promise!


Agreed. The better play on Biden would be to attack him on race issues with micro targeting his old bad positions, hoping to depress black turnout while also calling him a perv with made up stories that use the various photos that look bad.

They may still try that, if it’s bullshit the closer to the election, the better.

One thing this election is showing, though, is that this bullshit doesn’t stick to white men the way it sticks to women or people of color.

It sucks but it seems to be the case. Obama is a Muslim terrorist socialist, Hillary kills people and trafficked children and loves that socialism, Biden… is just a friendly old white guy who loves him some ice cream.

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It’s OK. Deduction for the fact that castling in to check is illegal, so the point you’re trying to make could be misconstrued.


They’ve already gotten plenty of us. I had never voted straight party line until 2018. Now some of that was trivial, like voting Green in a race where the Dem was going to win with 70% of the vote but was corrupt and a bad candidate. But occasionally I’d vote for a Republican in a local race with a corrupt or incompetent Democratic candidate.

Not anymore. You’re in the Party of Trump? Get fucked. For life.

Many of my friends feel the same way. I’ll never ever vote for anyone that stood by and supported this shit, not for dog catcher, not for mayor, not for assistant deputy clerk of local paper pushing. Fuck. Them. All.

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my county supervisor race is two Republicans thanks to CA’s jungle primary. I’m leaving it blank. They are both abjectly terrible. One wants to basically kill off the homeless, and the other is a sexual assaulter. We got here because the dem candidate in the primary was a black woman, and god forbid we have one of those on our ballot.

lol rural east county. The more suburban parts of CA 50 have a much more reasonable race with one D and one R. The D actually has a shot this time.


Basically information about a file concerning its contents, like who created it and when and/or where, how many times it’s been accessed and by whom. Photo exif info typically gives type of camera, focal length, etc. Word files often give creator and time/date among other things. Email has detailed info in headers. If someone emails you a photo/printout of an email it’s 99% a fraud.


Yeah it’s amazing in its absurdity. Also Hunter Biden lives in California, not Delaware.

Let’s try this one on for size:

  1. Someone hacks Hunter Biden’s computer, da?

  2. They find this email and video, and they decide to get them to Trump’s henchman digging for dirt in Ukraine: Rudy Giuliani.

  3. Now ol’ Rudy has lost a step but he knows he can’t just be like, “Hey look at these emails I found!” So he has some buffoon go scouring Delaware for a MAGA computer repair guy because everyone knows the Bidens are from Delaware.

  4. Rudy enlists this guy in the foolproof plot, giving him a bullshit story to feed the media.

  5. Rudy feeds it to the NY Post, which conducts no due diligence whatsoever because it’ll sell papers and make Murdoch happy.

  6. Computer repair guy has almost as many screws loose as Rudy and can’t get through an interview without changing his story and waxing poetic about Seth Rich.

  7. Literally anyone who understands anything whatsoever about computers, computer repair, emails or the Internet can figure out in like five minutes that this is bullshit. Rudy thinks you bleach emails with real Clorox, though, so it all checked out for him.

Man, imagine being the Biden campaign when this dropped. Someone calls Joe, who’s probably like WTF??? So he calls Hunter and is like “WTF did you do???” And Hunter is like “WTF??? Nothing. My computer is right here, I don’t even live in Delaware, I’ve never gotten a computer repaired anyway. When it breaks I buy a new one.”

Like the Biden campaign almost certainly knows Hunter was hacked, but what the fuck can they do? Tell Bill Barr? Lol no. Attack Trump in the media and take away coverage of covid and center it on a Biden scandal to do another round of Russia? Lol no thanks.

It’s gotta just be surreal for them, but they seem to be handling it well.


I suppose 210000 people wish they could have a word about that right now

Okay but where have you been the last four years?

Who related to this administration has been punished beyond a slap on the wrist?

This is in CA, not DC. Also, it’s easier to prosecute a robbery than money laundering by the president with the AG as his top deputy in charge of the investigation. Do you think California will let the local GOP fuck with the election? I’m surprised these guys aren’t already arrested.

Also, note that your original post stated, “Apparently fake ballot boxes are being placed in blue regions to collect and discard them.” Collection under false pretenses in order to discard is a scenario that would lead to felonies.

In fact, the story is that the CA GOP is claiming that they can use the boxes to collect ballots in red areas and deliver them to the country office to be counted. This is likely illegal, as the sec of state letter on Monday states, but it’s likely not fraud or ballot destruction. The sec of state gave the state gop a deadline of tomorrow to remove. If that’s not done they will likely seek an expedited court order removing the boxes. The legislature could probably also just pass a quick law making unofficial ballot boxes illegal.

I saw the reply and thought it was from SweetSummerChild.

Anyway, nice to have some optimism in the justice system. Hell, it’s nice to be optimistic in general.

They’re not already arrested because the GOP wants them arrested and Dems can’t walk into that trap. The GOP is daring Dems to bring a case against mail-in ballots and try to get a bunch thrown out so that they can use that as something to point to when they do the same in PA, MI, WI, etc.

“Every vote should count? Oh reallllllly? What about those votes you had thrown out in California? Why yes, please, explain in specific language that makes people’s eyes glaze over what the difference is.”


I have seen a Trump ad making this point using a black narrator.

Republicans have been failing metadata since BTK.

( twitter | raw text )