The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

How do you hold a rally at an airport?


So what’s the consensus on the Fox folks? True believers or all grifters?

It’s okay, she voted for McCain

tots and pears

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Mostly grifters. Prior to him winning the primaries Fox HATED him.

They all know he’s an idiot but don’t care because white power is reigning supreme and so is their position in society.

Trump is on stage at the rally, he looks fine. His makeup is back to normal, his face appears to have evened out again, and he’s doing his normal bit with no coughing or raspiness.

Dude runs so fucking good.

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Joe said from the Senate, obviously

I assume most of this is correct and what we assumed anyways. I’m sure @CaffeineNeeded and other health care folks can chime in:


He’s got em packed in behind him with very few masks. He’s now singing the praises of the great, smart, brilliant Ron DeSantis.

Now he’s on to Matt Gaetz. He’s a warrior, a great man, a great gentleman with a great future so great Trump might swap with him.

Now Kimberly Guilfoyle, a tough act to follow, she’s really great.

Yup of course.

They’re now aerosolizing their breath by changing USA! USA! USA!

And he’s mocking Biden’s social distancing.

Wonder how much him being fine will swing polls back his way.

You open the gates. Pres candidates have been doing last minute flyarounds trying to hit as many cities as possible for decades.

I share your skepticism. I think the primary benefit comes in the form of getting the candidate on the local news and in the local newspapers.

However the benefits of that have to be a fraction of what they once were.

A lot because Republican/‘undecided’ voters are the dumbest, most gullible people on Earth

He’s now bragging about pulling out of the WHO and the crowd loves it.

HSN, CVS, Directv Movie guide and all
The great networks!

Fox News pulled away, OAN still going.

He’s now complaining about contagious immigrants spreading disease.

it’s kind of amazing. everyone tried to believe there’s no outdoor transmission based on a chinese study, but i don’t remember seeing wuhan crowds surrounding a stage chanting at each other. once again usa#1 sending its dumbest to lead the world in R0 like there’s a prize at the end.

The crowd is very large, OAN took a wide shot.

He’s calling Democrats demented now. He says the wall will be finished in a few months and by the way, Mexico IS paying for it. They hate when he says that but it’s true.