The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Lucky you didn’t get captured you fking fossil

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Ask this. Why is he concerned that many aren’t supporting Trump… fu Dole.

Jesus Christ how did I not pick Bob Dole in the Celebrity Death Pool.


Anyone remember Conan? Dole on a roll.

I really didn’t think that crossed the line, the joke isn’t that the finger journey is bad or anything like that, but I know y’all have had this out before, and I respect that people think it’s inappropriate (I really didn’t think the joke was in the same realm) so I’ll refrain from further jokes. Sincere apologies.

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Much love VD. I know you meant no harm.

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Fun fact: Bob Dole is currently the only living president or presidential nominee of any major political party who supports Donald Trump.


Just so people are aware, this is not hyperbole. He’s 97.

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Bob Dolt


The Constitution gives states the right to appoint electors. Clarence Thomas would certainly be on board with doing this type of shit, and affirmed that there is no individual right to vote for President in Bush v. Gore.

I believe some states have enacted laws saying their electors go to the winner of the vote in that state. It sounds like PA isn’t one of them. Idk if the governor would play some role, though.

In any event, I think it’s pretty unlikely that Biden wins PA and the state legislature nonetheless orders its electors to vote for Trump.

Oh a Dinesh D’Souza joint! Can we get an unstuck watching party @RiskyFlush ?


Uncool for people to be outing Lindsey.

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God damn, this actually made me chuckle.

97 year streak of being a complete and pathetic fucking loser.

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the current line of attack is ‘its not fair that even the republicans hate me’?


[Browsing… browsing… scrolling fast…]


The LG name came from a alleged (former?) prostitute who outed himself and Lindsey