The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

I’ve always assumed every election is rigged. Like, how the fuck did they keep track of ballots in an election from 1850 or something with states scattered about? How did voters decide who to vote for? It could take 3 months for news to travel.

TY. I still think though that an appearance on Limbaugh’s show would not require an offer to Biden for the same amount of time.

  • Talk shows and other regular news programming from syndicators, such as Entertainment Tonight , are also declared exempt from the rule by the FCC on a case-by-case basis.[2]*
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The absolute most tilting thing will be the MAGA crowd crowing about how he won fair and square if PA really does do this. I may have to cancel my cell and internet plans so that I am not exposed to that insanity.

Isn’t this the same recycled story over and over? Is there any actual new information? It still seems exceedingly unlikely to me.

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I don’t think I’m in a position to provide a food answer but my guess is that they would argue from some form of " that’s the role of the States, the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have wanted us to interfere".

And this right here is the problem with the fantasies that legislatures will just appoint whomever. There are a lot of scenarios where Trump steals this election but legislatures ignoring a counted vote is not one of them.

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People worrying about state legislators overriding the will of the popular vote are being ridiculous.

They simply wouldn’t dare. Full stop.

Their credibility would be shot forever and they’d be exposed as power-mad, un-democratic hypocrites.

Not only would there be a massive popular uprising, but many of them would ultimately be driven to suicide by the craven dishonor of their actions, having betrayed every principle by which they had previously pretended to stand.


Had half a scathing post typed out before I saw the username.


Are you stealing my bit?


I think a likely scenario is,

Trump loses.
Contests election by every means possible.
Makes his G.O.A.T. deal, agreeing to step down/stop contesting in return for a Biden pardon for him and his family, leaving all the rest to face the music.

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Same. Idk just how historical accurate it was, but I assume it was just as absurd and violent as depicted in Gangs of New York.

I fall for it every time


Why do you suppose they’re discussing it then? Do you think they’re sending up trial balloons to gauge reactions?

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I mean, this court might do that, because the outcome would favor the Republican…but Bush v. Gore clearly showed us that SCOTUS has no problem sticking its beak into state presidential election matters as a general rule.

Eh, in what we see as the most likely outcomes, he can’t steal this way.

But if, for example, he somehow wins Pennsylvania or other Midwest states quasi-legitimately with help from the Supreme Court in throwing out mail-in ballets and then loses FL… I could see DeSantis and the R Florida state legislature overriding voters changing state law to give Trump the victory… with the Supreme Court likely to approve.

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I really doubt they do that if he’s not going to win anyway. And he’s not going to win anyway. He needs to make up a LOT of ground for FL to matter.

Because discussing and leaking it could depress democratic turnout by making everyone believe waaf anyway so why bother voting. Russian bots are pushing it for the same reason.

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Most swing states have dem govs who could veto any such law.

Again the main worry is they stop counting all mail in ballots after a few days via supreme court