The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Hey now no kink shaming.

Oh you were talking about from steroids. Never mind.

Things Repubes say when they run out of things to say to look smart

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yes! That was it. He clearly had a puffy eye.

I can’t decide what’d be funnier… If they’re all getting pink eye as part of their covid, or if a separate pink eye outbreak is simultaneously ripping through the White House.


It’s a bit unfair. His right side is positioned slightly more towards the camera and he’s squinting a bit due to the sunlight but… same dude:


Unrelated, but I’m seeing 100x more of Chris Berman on MSNBC than I do on ESPN.

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Rex fucking Chapman :eyes:


Similar things have been said before, but - assuming he loses - there’s a chance that Trump’s presidency is actually the thing that saves us from American fascism. It’s pretty clear that the GOP and their media arm has been gradually setting the stage for an anti-democratic takeover, but Trump’s narcissism forced their hand early and poorly. As a result, we’ve been made aware of previously-underestimated swamp monsters (e.g., social media cults-on-demand, GOP rank-and-file apparently being pro-fascism) that otherwise might not have surfaced until too late to stop.

If we can swing this election and then leverage it into solidifying majority power while electing increasingly-progressive candidates, there is an opportunity here to lock the GOP out of power until they’re forced to realign more centrally - meanwhile providing us a window to actually improve things. But if - instead of Trump - the GOP made their power play behind some 110 IQ charismatic ex-military sociopath, we might be instead staring at decades of Putinesque fascism.

All that said, please don’t let off the gas at all, now or after the election. We need to slam dunk a victory hard enough to break the backboard, then spend the next four years pushing Biden left while constantly reminding those around us that the GOP is a democracy-ending, child-torturing hate cult. If we win, we’ll all enjoy a huge pressure release and a temptation to relax, but staying energized is key. Because a Biden victory buys those of us with privilege another 4+ years of status quo, but we’re still sitting on a burning planet filled with billions in pain - and we owe it to all of them not to stop fighting just because we’re no longer so acutely on the defensive.

P.S. Fuck Trump.



He just posts other people’s videos I don’t think he does any original content on there


Haha. He misspelled prospevfefe.


Yea we are lucky Trump is a 73 year old lazy ass. Imagine if he was a motivated 40 year old? Even when the next Trump stain runs for office, he will have a hard time winning the GOP nomination. The GOP establishment knows Trump is bad for them and they will make sure it doesn’t happen again. They’ll be just as evil of course, but it won’t be obvious like it was with Trump.

I think you are sorely underestimating Trumpism here. They threw the kitchen sink at this guy in 2015-2016 and nothing worked. He is the GOP now.


One downside to this happening right now is the generation of Dems we are stuck with in power. Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, and Biden are simply not the people to fight fascism. Their entire careers have been capitulating with Republicans and seeking an imaginary middle ground. Their MO when they take power will be modest reform, and trying to pull Republicans back into the fold. Just listen to Kamala flailing on their turf on the fracking issue, or mass incarceration, last night. Terrible.

Bernie is the only one of that generation who could have fought and won. We need a message that both attacks fascists directly and gives hope to people that their lives can improve.

The Dems of AOC’s ilk understand that Republicans need to be confronted directly as fascists. Supporting their rise to power and amplifying their influence in 2021 assuming a Biden victory and Dems winning the Senate is critical. They are our hope here.


Millions and millions of illegal boat ballots will be cast against him


Wow - they’re saying it out loud now. This is scary.

( twitter | raw text )


That sounds fucking AWESOME!


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