jalfrezi vs tabbaker
Too late - the ignore function works well on low to medium volume posters like him.
Its a great song because it trolls so many uber patriots.
So he’s still not well enough to Tweet.
President takes a turn for the worse as he is unable to rest due to his own supporters blaring music outside the hospital.
I had the same thought lol…
I think you’re confusing poorly done PDF redaction with JPEGs. There are no edit histories or layers or similar in the latter. There are some very limited cases where AI can make a decent guess at something like a blurred license plate, but a big black box on a jpeg is going to be a big black box forever. There is no other information there to recover.
Great point. We know of a few pozzes, how many are lying? Rick Scott, perhaps?
What does that mean?
Sigh. Oh well, for other people looking for something else to scroll through while we wait, check out the new way #proudboys is trending on twitter.
And if my pony is a not-so-proud boy, I’m OK with that.
Taking their ball and going home after they botched the photos and video.
I feel like some more pozzes are going to hit the fan tomorrow morning when politicians and their operatives have to resume their normal daily duties or make some excuse.
Sir, you can rest easy. Joe Biden is only 77.
Lol not coffin lid. Nice term there.
For all the hate The West Wing gets around here, seems like a lot of people didn’t watch it!
It means that no more news will be coming from the white house until the next day. Although sometimes they do release news after the lid has been called. They do it so the reporters who are just sitting around waiting can go home I think.