Taking their ball and going home after they botched the photos and video.
I feel like some more pozzes are going to hit the fan tomorrow morning when politicians and their operatives have to resume their normal daily duties or make some excuse.
Sir, you can rest easy. Joe Biden is only 77.
Lol not coffin lid. Nice term there.
For all the hate The West Wing gets around here, seems like a lot of people didn’t watch it!
It means that no more news will be coming from the white house until the next day. Although sometimes they do release news after the lid has been called. They do it so the reporters who are just sitting around waiting can go home I think.
The press office calls a lid when they will be announcing no more news for the day, thus the media can feel free to go home without missing anything. In this case LOfuckingL.
Also close the lid on my pony’s coffin and fire up the glue factory.
Or just lots of precautionary working from home, odd silence and unexplained absences, etc.
Definitely want to know what the Miller twins and Giuliani are up to on Monday.
Jokes on you. They draw the Powerball on Wedensday and Saturday
Kellyanne’s daughter has covid now.
Why are they putting a barricade around Walter Reed?
Fuck, that sucks. Horrible parenting, just a disgrace.
Oh she’s gonna be pissed. She’ll never forgive her mom for that.
Grunching, but I will absolutely buy this coin if they can promise me it’ll become an ironic collector’s item.
That poor kid. Charge Kellyanne with child endangerment.
The child abuse never ends in that house.