The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

She links a statement in the tweet

i mean gotta be honest are there any less important officials than the joint chiefs of staff?

joint chiefs of staff: sir! we need 50 trillion dollars for military, sir!

trump: 50 trillion… is that a lot?

jcos: [look at each other nervously] well, um, we think we can get it all done with just 20 billion

trump: no, no, 50 trillion sounds bigger. i’ll see what i can do

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The Joint Chiefs of Staff are the commanders for their respective branch of the military, so yes. They report to their respective civilian Secretaries, but they are in the chain of command.

The exception is the Chairman, whose primary job is to advise the President. He is not a commanding officer.

They also have all of the relevant firepower in play if Donald decides to get crazy with it.

Late to the party I’m sure, but:

‘I feel better than I did 20 years ago’: Trump set to leave hospital

I told you so :rofl:


He looked like a sweaty whale gasping for air last night. The word of Donald Trump and the WH physician need to be taken with a grain of salt.

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smh why do people keep thinking I’m serious.


Still not sure why I haven’t mass produced Rand Paul tackling dummies.



“I am looking forward to the debate on the evening of Thursday, October 15th in Miami. It will be great!” the president tweeted early Tuesday, the morning after he returned to the White House from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

“FEELING GREAT!” he added in a separate tweet, hours before his physician reported that he was feeling well.

I fully expect Florida shenanigans especially if he’s ahead slightly. We didn’t get Florida results in 2012 until the day after, which Obama won.

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pozzing the joint chiefs of staff is some next level shit


You hate to see it

It’s amazing how many doctors are willing to throw away their reputations and ignore their oaths for a tiny taste of that GOP cash. Looks like Pence’s is also a military guy, so is he even getting paid well for this?? I hope they are forever shunned from the profession after this bullshit. Stfu, narrator.


Why don’t dems say no test no debate…

Because they want Trump to cancel the debate. He has no good moves, let him make one.

Trump won’t cancel he has to big an ego.