The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Trump is going to be well ahead in swing states on election night, then his lead will slowly be eroded over the course of days. At some point he will attempt to stop the count. I mean someone let me know if I’m wrong about this but it looks pretty baked in to me.


This is the most likely scenario. However, the two states that could shut it down early are Florida and Ohio. They count absentee ballots before election night and will report results quickly. If Trump loses either, he’s toast.


OK thanks, didn’t know this. Good to know we’re relying on Ohio and Florida to keep the US from becoming an autocracy.


Well they’re not raking 90% of profits so you should be good to go.

What odds do you put Trump at winning the pop vote?

5% max to win popular vote.

Things that will never happen.

Sorkin, whose films often deal with the ethics of power, ended the conversation by revealing how he would write election night, 2020. “Trump does what we all assume he will do, which is not concede defeat, claiming the election’s rigged and the Democrats cheated. For the first time, his Republican enablers march up to the White House and say Donald it’s time to go. I would write the ending where everyone does the right thing. I don’t think Trump will do the right thing, except by accident.”

True but a Trump win means we’ll be buried in garbage.

Is he doing comedy now?


No, but it’s possible he’s still doing shrooms.


we’re not relying on either one of them thankfully but yeah losing both could well make it close enough for one state to fuck us

There are a lot of minorities in my area and Trump country is not far away. If there’s voter intimidation going on, anyone know the legality of escorting them from their cars to the polling place? Also, who does one call? Biden campaign offices? The governor and sec of state?

It does not seem like calling the police will do shit.

No Senate races in PA, and I think none in WI either right?

This map could get you there, perhaps.

We simply must do this.

You’re unreasonably chipper for 20% shenanigans.


I am looking forward to not having fantasies of murdering the president and senate majority leader. To not being embarrassed by the president. To not have my main hobby be following politics. I hope in early 2020, after Trump leaves, the dems win the senate and hold the house that I stay engaged and figure out how to help get more AOCs and Jayapals elected.

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Since I took advanced history in school I often ask myself how that could happen like 1933, Khmer, Iran etc… I fear right now we are watching how it happens live.

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Oh yeah, this is exactly what the phrase “those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” is referring to. There are numerous parallels between USA 2020 and the installation of other fascist regimes. It’s practically a playbook at this point, the only thing that’s really unique is the use of social media to create an unstoppable critical mass or people driven by fear and hate. Prior authoritarians didn’t have tools that powerful for spreading propaganda and establishing a cult of personality.


What is insane about these pictures is that the people behind Trump mostly have masks. So they must make the people that appear on TV behind him wear them. The bottom picture facing the other direction if you zoom in there are literally zero masks.

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Good observation. Their communication team must have told him that it’s bad to have all these pictures of Trump with maskless people behind him, probably because they keep showing up on social media with “:+1: coronavirus likes this” underneath them.

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