The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

You’re unreasonably chipper for 20% shenanigans.


I am looking forward to not having fantasies of murdering the president and senate majority leader. To not being embarrassed by the president. To not have my main hobby be following politics. I hope in early 2020, after Trump leaves, the dems win the senate and hold the house that I stay engaged and figure out how to help get more AOCs and Jayapals elected.

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Since I took advanced history in school I often ask myself how that could happen like 1933, Khmer, Iran etc… I fear right now we are watching how it happens live.

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Oh yeah, this is exactly what the phrase “those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” is referring to. There are numerous parallels between USA 2020 and the installation of other fascist regimes. It’s practically a playbook at this point, the only thing that’s really unique is the use of social media to create an unstoppable critical mass or people driven by fear and hate. Prior authoritarians didn’t have tools that powerful for spreading propaganda and establishing a cult of personality.


What is insane about these pictures is that the people behind Trump mostly have masks. So they must make the people that appear on TV behind him wear them. The bottom picture facing the other direction if you zoom in there are literally zero masks.

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Good observation. Their communication team must have told him that it’s bad to have all these pictures of Trump with maskless people behind him, probably because they keep showing up on social media with “:+1: coronavirus likes this” underneath them.

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I’ve only started to notice because I’ve been sending my Trumpy mom who disapproves of Trump’s covid response a picture from the daily superspreader event every morning. At first she was like “at least they have masks!” at which point I realized she was the exact reason they are doing it that way. The unwashed masses can be there maskless and the 100 people behind him have masks so the rubes can think this shit is safe.

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That happened at the Minnesota rally as well. Only those behind Trump were masked, and even then only when he was on stage.


The signs reading “PEACEFUL PROTESTS” are a really nice touch. Maybe get some footage of a peaceful protester getting his head bashed in or getting maced while holding one of those signs.

Very professional, much effort:

52% is fake news. About 47% off. Got to get up to those prime Saddam numbers.

Yeah, they are all MAGA masks, too, so they are clearly being given the masks and told to wear them on camera.

A clip from a rally was on the other day when my son was in the room and he said, “Hey look, they’re all wearing masks.”

I told him to just wait until we see the crowd that isn’t behind Trump. Sure enough…


They bought bricks for $20 so they’ll be more than happy to buy masks - would be unlike Trump to miss an opportunity to grift his cult members.


The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Equal Parts Sad and Embarrassing


Yeah, rather than having one decent vote counting system, we manage to have 50 different terrible ones. For the first time in the history of America, this is a feature, not a bug, as at least there’s not a single point of failure for Trump to fuck with. But yeah, if you’re planning to follow along with the mayhem of counting votes, expect very different timings for each state.

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You’re friend isn’t wrong, and the election won’t fix everything, but at the same time, perhaps think of a cancer patient awaiting surgery. Yeah, there’s a ton of shitty chemo and radiation afterwards, but at least the surgery is a start, and you don’t have that ugly ass tumor any more, even if there are plenty of other cancer cells inevitably hanging about that’ll need much more treatment. Let’s get that step done with.