The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

LOL. My healthcare plan is… better healthcare!
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He’s passed one significant piece of legislation that made it through the senate due to reconciliation. He can’t even get cabinet appointees approved. He’s obviosuly a nightmare and should be impeached again, but he’s not been able to do actual things that require planning and execution beyond signing symbolic pieces of paper, nominating judges, and other items (like pardons) exclusively in the president’s jurisdiction. Don’t mistake a child’s drawing for a Picasso.

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In contrast to Biden, who has been preaching that we need worse HC.

This appears to be a self-own. This administration hasn’t touched the ACA (other than the mandate) and had passed no healthcare legislation. So the fact that we’re at 90% of counties having multiple options on the exchange would seem to be evidence of Obamacare working.

Also my man, R lawyers are going to lawyer the hell out of folks like Simp by simply upholding the Constitution’s highest ideal, enshrining white supremacy. And the courts are stacked w/ Federalist Society judges who implicitly agree w/ that ideal.

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Why how can you say it’s unconstitutional to prevent black people from having equal access to the vote when the Constitution was explicitly designed for that purpose… and that is the thought process of the “moderate” John Roberts…

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To sum up this thread today, LOL Simp. To still have faith in institutions and norms after nearly a full Trump term is wishcasting on a level I didn’t think anyone here possessed.


Although if I lived on the beach in CA and paid 50K / year rent, I’d probably live in an entirely different reality as well.

He can’t get cabinet appointees approved but just calls them acting and rolls with them forever?


wow! i don’t think i can wait 2 whole weeks to see this
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Oh I thought his thing today announced the actual plan, lol me, exec order that we have a commitment protect pre existing conditions lul
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6-3 Supreme Court means CHESSMATE LIBTARD.

PAC-12 Football sucks almost as bad as you asshole. Ok time to move to the drunken ranting thread for me "/.