The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

You should be betting a sizable portion of your net worth on the election if you actually believe these probabilities.


The RNC and the Trump admin are not one and the same.

Yeah I mean the fucking head of the republican party in PA, our most important state, has openly said on the record he has discussed kicking the states EC votes to the legislature WITH the Trump admin.

It’s not just the Trump admin. it seems like all Republicans are aware of the shifting demographics and understand that they will be become the minority party for a long time if they don’t rig the shit out of everything.

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I wish I was crazy enough to think Biden had a 75% shot at winning election night. I mean thats what polling indicates WITHOUT riggage, insane voter suppression * not normal but like Trumpers physically preventing people from voting etc, which we’ve already seen ), throwing out ballots, and the PA naked ballot issue into account.

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American apartheid coming soon

I’m stumped at how shenanigans could break either way.

It more a question of whether they help Trump or just break even. I think there’s a decent chance that Trump tries to pull some shit and no one goes along with it and that Biden wins in 33% of possible close scenarios.
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Haven’t read a Trump tweet in at least 3 weeks. No pressers either. Ship it suckers.

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Serious Question.

When you can place a wager for any amount that offers 9x the odds that you assigned Trump to win the general, what goes through your head?

1)…nah, not interested in gambling on it.

  1. I’m backing the truck up!

  2. Something else.

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I’d be happy to bet on the odds I gave. My $200 vs $50 from someone else if Trump wins. 2 bets being offered at this price, quote to book. Payoff is after electoral college, around Dec. 10.
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tenor (6)

Just put another $200 on “Trump No”. I should probably bet more, but I’m worried about Predictic costs and cashout.

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The promised health care plan has arrived–as timely as an Elon Musk product announcement.