The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I think Hawley was smart to maintain his objection. At least that’s consistent with a view that the wrong electors were sent and the election was potentially stolen.

What sense does it make to hold that view, and then when some people are rightfully furious about it, and it leads to violence, to just say, oh well nevermind? It kind of gives away the game that you were just doing it for the politics and then it got out of hand so now you feel bad.


As a purely political matter, impeachment seems vastly better. The poll saying that 49% of Republicans support the attack on the Capitol is chilling as all hell, but it makes a mathematically near-perfect wedge issue. Put these fuckers to a decision on whether to vote pro-sedition or anti.


Hawley wasn’t just doing it for the politics that’s who he is

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He isnt getting impeached/removed or 25th amendmented

Republicans are spineless pieces of shit and will never ever ever risk losing their base, ever, unless they are literally about to die immediately

That said impeachment is way better because he can’t run again

Also it would be an A+ move by Mitch to get behind impeachment, will allow him to work Joe so hard and get slobbered on by all the press

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Did the lady getting shot really take the wind out of the sails? I thought the shot happened early on, before they reached the inner parts of the building and Pelosi’s office?

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Well normally the cops would start firing rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd. But for “some reason” this time that was a bridge too far.


At it’s fastest, it’s still much slower than the 25th. The 25th requires 9 signatures. Impeachment requires mustering two quorums of 535 people, 100 of whom will have to go through multiple rounds of roll call votes to change the current rules of impeachment, vote on the rules of the trial as proscribed by the Constitution, and then actually vote on removal from office. Impeachment isn’t faster even if there’s unanimous consent in the Senate.

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That lady getting shot stopped them, yes. After congress got safely evacuated is when they stepped out of the way and let them roam the inner chambers and Pelosi’s office.



The 25th talk is yet another in a long line of liberal delusional fantasies.

Theirs is about stolen elections and storming capitols and winning civil wars, libs is some hero will step in and save us or republicans will do the right thing.






They don’t want to lose their base, but furthermore, they realize that life will be dangerous for them if they do abandon the base. I’m sure you saw the Romney tape the other day. They literally would be fearing for their lives.

that’s not the chilling part, the chilling part is that’s before the right wing spin kicked in

they seem torn with insisting it was leftists or trying to both sides it atm


Yeah I can’t reply. Just sharing for some insight to the Boomerverse. Also have my BIL’s aunt crying the same BS on Facebook.

There’s an old saying in Tennessee. Impeach me once, shame… shame on you. Impeach me twice, done can’t get impeached again.


She was shot at the entrance of the Speaker’s Lobby, the hallway that has the entrance to the House Chamber.

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