The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


If they do random bombings or violence and stuff I agree. This was a straight up gov’t takeover attempt though. I think that’s worse than terrorism, yeah?

Because telling them to sit down is the exact wrong way to get them to sit down.

There has to be some sort of crowd-funded or open source movement to dox or otherwise identify law-breaking Capitol invaders for law enforcement, right?

With all the photos and video that came from today, it’s already a Herculean task, but the data is all just sitting there on social media or wherever.

Twitter is already working on it.

It doesn’t matter what the accurate term. What matters is what the most effective propaganda term is. That might be “terrorism”.


Sarah Palin on fox blaming antifa and blm.

Yeah, you’re the good guys

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On the police’s side? They still have Trump and Biden on their side.


Wtf is this Mike Lee dude talking about

Mitt needs to cane him

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The middle feed on seattleprotest twitch is what it’s about right now. Sorry.

No. Dem says we won. Dem then sits down.

I honestly didn’t know this part either whatever that means. Obviously I shouldn’t have said anything when I didn’t know everything.

Trump, won’t call the National Guard in, but also doesn’t have enough balls to prevent them from being called in.

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Maybe a bunch of protesters can meet them when they arrive home from DC.

It just got real.

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Roman Republic ITT


These motherfuckers just cannot help themselves doing actually_bro theater concern trolling about chosen elector process.

The BLM streamers held their ground and tried to keep streaming until they got arrested or it was over. All these streamers leave right when the round up notice comes.

That’s exactly what’s going to happen, and it’s outrageous.

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