The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

There goes the theory that they flipped him, I guess.

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Yeah Mitch didn’t go for it because it was political calculation. Mitch has more guts than almost anyone in congress. Dude straight up stole a supreme court seat lol.

The good news is that he now has an opportunity to sever Trump’s stranglehold on the GOP. I think it’s very likely he votes to convict in the senate trial

Jack sucks.

thread of insane Trump moments we may have forgotten about


Seems like anything they try this weekend is probably not going to go well for them wherever it is. A lot at stake for the US here imo, hence the show of force.

not clicking that. i’ve gone unspeakable lengths to forget those.


lol I love that this piece of shit is also a huge dumbass

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Would be shocked if Biden felt like this tradition needs to continue with Trump.

What’s up with the faux Druidic costumes some of these MAGA insurrectionists are dressed up in? Animal skins and staves and whatnot? I associate that sort of thing more with crystal healing suburban moms than with the tough-guy MAGA ethos.


Has Trump given himself the Medal of Freedom yet? Maybe he just hasn’t thought of it yet. Since he’ll still be President during his “farewell ceremony” at Joint Base Andrews on his way to Florida, he could do it then. I’m not joking. He’s even got an extra one already lying around since Belichick turned his down.

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There’s a ton of crystal healing conspirituality going on it seems. Lotta Q adjacent energy harnessers


Why not? He believes Mitch McConnell can be reasoned and negotiated with, he probably thinks Trump would safeguard sensitive information with the utmost care. Plus what if he sets a new precedent and the next President denies briefings to him? He would need to stay busy in retirement doing crossword puzzles or finding a hobby or something.

Cracka is you takin SELFIES of a criminal fuckin conspiracy?


On the one hand, I want to be like, yeah, I guess it’s predictable. On the other hand, I did not have nazis storming the capitol carrying blue lives matter flags and beating a cop to death on my 2021, bingo card, no.

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There’s a long-established strain of white nationalism that’s super into ersatz Druidism and Norse paganism etc. QAnon Anonymous had a mediaeval historian on talking about it a few weeks ago.

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So my wife just found out the entire OSU hospital staff is on call Sunday and Monday incase of significant extra patient load from the dumbass Stop the Steal/Insurrection “protests” upcoming.

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I really hope somebody redoes the Bud Light “Here’s To You” commercials with Trump folks. “Here’s to you, profiles in courage, for taking a stand against a white nationalist president on the very last day…”


When he’s out of office he’ll be selling Trump Brand Presidential Medals of Freedom on line for 19.95.


New essay from Roxane Gay.

We are at an inflection point, one where white people need to deal with the problem of other white people. They need to figure out how to divest themselves of white supremacy. They need to disavow the people who won’t do so. They need to stop trying to minimize the severity of what happened on January 6th. They need to stop trying to empathize with or humanize people who gleefully defecated in the halls of Congress and destroyed public property and beat a police officer to death and were responsible for the deaths of four others. These people need to be shut out of public life until they deal with their racism which may well mean they need to be shut out of public life indefinitely. They do not deserve nice things. They will not be missed.