The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

His vote was really weird since:


But maybe it heralds that Republican Senators may be subject to the same pressure that you suggest, but it also seems like not a lot of other Republicans felt that way, so maybe he’s just weak.


Edit: apologies to clovis



Don’t think so. GOP would object to the process of the articles before the Senate not reflecting the current possibly impeachable offenses.

It probably makes sense to include a bunch of other times it didn’t get to impeachment in talking about this kind of number though.

Eh. You’re probably right to some degree but hard disagree that striving for optimism is ultimately a flaw for humanity.

Meanwhile, in Kentucky…

I heard it was a but two get one free deal.

lol I was about to post this Beshear is getting impeached in KY

I assume for making people wear a mask

which is way more egregious than capitol storming and overthrowing a constitution

CSPAN has a chyron for


Politics is some weird shit.


It is there, where there usually seems to be some showbiz element to it.

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I really don’t doubt the second the Republicans control the House of Representatives they will impeach Joe Biden. If you told me that they would take the House in 2022, I’d want to bet a huge portion of my net worth on a Biden impeachment.


It’s over lockdowns and the Kentucky legislature appears to be required by law to form a committee when they receive a valid petition, but they don’t have to vote on it. It’s only signed by four people, although it contains affidavits from others, but I guess they get petitions every year that go nowhere.

I went to a marine’s wedding last year where they gave everybody challenge coins as mementos…he said in the marines the deal was that each unit designs its own coin, and everybody in the unit gets one, so for example if you’re all out drinking together and somebody makes a challenge by showing their coin (and here the guy telling me the story slammed his coin down onto the bar like a powerful magician) then that’s a challenge brother and watch out bc now everyone within earshot has to show theirs, and if you don’t have yours then you lost the challenge and you’re buying the drinks!!

there were other rules that I don’t remember. If you’ve been challenged but don’t have your coin with you then I assume you can just start jerking off right there and you’re only on the hook to pay half. Oh and if your unit accomplishes something together then it only actually counts if everyone has their coin literally within reach. He liked that rule, how everybody had to always be three steps from their coin—he had a story about the time Oklahoma Jonesy from Paris Illinois got challenged while he was on the head so Jonesy had to naked triple jump off the cliffs of dover towards his coin and he landed on Bin Laden and Bin Laden died but Jonesy didn’t have his coin so it didn’t count, shit, that was 1997


Fuck that got good.

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Tom Rice is absolutely shocking. He voted against certification and he joined the lawsuit to overturn the results.

They were going to do that anyway if they got control even before this second impeachment of Trump.

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