The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Hearted it too because it’s funny, but this was a year later.

EDIT: Ponied by an edit.

many people were saying he could do that, so he decided to look into it. /shrug

Do these folks not practice their speeches with a stopwatch?

Also doesn’t waiting until after the 20th remove the possibility of a Pence pardon?

Vegan/Vegetarian/Kosher/Halah etc is one thing but organic is another.

current republicans are pretty much the biggest cucks of all time


Grunching. Super competent trump is exactly trump but surrounds himself with competent people and is charming in person.

only helps her unfortunately


Prisoners should be given healthy, nutritious food. Not organic food at double or triple the cost.



I don’t agree with that. Deplatforming works. Let her rage on Telegram.


How? Is she going to retire to Milo’s private island?

from what I can tell that only works after people know who they are. She isn’t there yet. Though it’s not on fox yet due to the other news so maybe it’ll be okay.

Also she’s the type to just tweet out crimes she’s committing.


I didn’t see anyone on here discussing that Trump said it would be “dangerous” if he is impeached.

This is a good sign she’s ban-worthy imo.

I had to go to 538 to check but that big drop is actually in December 2017, the lowest point is from the 16th so based on the Trump timeline of the week before the polls it looks like maybe the travel ban or banning transgendered people from serving in the military.

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It’s not designed to taste like shit, it’s just the jail goes and looks for the cheapest possible food out there and that stuff tastes like shit

Watching the impeachment debate it’s remarkable how many of the Republicans look like reality TV characters.

I still think there’s eventually going to be a classic political text written about reality television and American politics.