The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Twitter isn’t letting me see without logging in anymore. Oh well. Fuck 'em.

? It’s still OK for me, reset cookies?

This slate of managers seems to suck significantly less than last time. I’m going to take it as a good sign

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I’m pretty sure we’re finally Great Again


MIssed opportunity in not naming Cheney as one of the house managers, IMO. Maybe she wouldn’t do it I guess.

c-span callers on form again this morning


resistance hero Liz Cheney, people are going to fall for this horseshit, unbelievable.


Any port in a storm, ldo.

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Why did they have contracts in the first place?


Not because she’s a resistance hero. Because a republican house manager gives it the veneer of bipartisanship and might make it easier for senators to vote to convict.

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Women with the bullhorn - (& pink hat + dark glasses) - looks like the same woman who, with a man, spent a fair bit of time smashing (presumably) that window with a long pole of some sort.

My googling skills aren’t go enough to find the video but it’s one I’ve seen a couple of times so it’s out there somewhere - it’s a relatively wide shot but woman (on left) and man (on right) of pole being used like a battering ram on top semi-circular part of window - which is around their shin or sholder height (can’t remember).

She’ll be doing time soon enough.

I’m working hard today from 6am to 8pm taking many phone calls and won’t be able to watch the Impeachment… :eyes:


This guy needs to master the skill of not sounding like he’s reading.


Couldn’t resist a tickle at those prices.

He needs to learn to read without moving his lips first. Baby steps.

Lol Nancy Mace. Fucking coward. You guys are nuts thinking there are 67 Senate votes.

They are petrified of their own base.


Scanlon is my rep. I sent her an attagirl via twitter when I saw her speaking.