The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


Strong words from noted socialist liberal (checks notes) Liz… (checks notes again) Cheney? that can’t be right.


The statement is fire. Zero whataboutism.


:popcorn: n’ stuff, but this is a Bold Strategy Cotton. Half the party is Dear Leader cultists, another 25% hem and haw in public but love Dear Leader in private. Good luck in 2022 and 2024, I guess.


It’s 4 years away. I think that’s plenty of time. Social Media has basically already neutered Trump in a week. People will be going to prison. It’s better to do it now and get it over with.

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4000 armed dipshits?! Fuck.

“They were talking about 4,000 armed ‘patriots’ to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in,” Lamb said. “They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don’t. So this is an organized group that has a plan. They are committed to doing what they’re doing because I think in their minds, you know, they are patriots and they’re talking about 1776 and so this is now a contest of wills.”

This is like folding to a big river bet after 80% of your chips are already in. At least you live to fight another day.

If Mitch is onboard with voting for removal, then removal absolutely has the votes to pass. We’ll see if that’s true though. But there’s already like a solid 6 republicans who are going to vote for removal at this point, you think Mitch can’t deliver 10 more plus himself?


There are millions of voters who will never ever vote R again in their lives in this goes down. A terrible Biden term would absolutely put 2024 in play, but yeesh, this is a leap into the dark.


It’s not like the can just dump Trump and then continue on sweet talking MAGA with the usual vile rhetoric. I know, @Narrator.

My reaction to Cheny’s statement.

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Unless Trump is on the ticket, they ain’t voting again anyway.


Ok, 4000 of them with guns and a plan sounds like a bit more than cosplay now.


What if Georgia were a 3% win for the GOP? Funny how history rolls out.


So all the parler users went to telegram. Poor gab must really be lame.

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Liz Cheney??!

He really did unite this country after all


What fraction of new telegram users are undercover FBI?

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This is my view too. I still think its basically shaping up for 2024 primary season to mirror 2016 where some non-politician lunatic roflstomps the repub candidates and then they all get behind the candidate who had previously personally insulted them during the primary campaign.

never thought i’d respect a cheney even for a second

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