The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


Well fuck. I want to storm me an inauguration now.

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A man who had an assault rifle was charged with threatening Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, after he traveled to Washington for the pro-Trump rally on Wednesday and sent a text message saying he would put “a bullet in her noggin on Live TV,” the federal authorities said.

Federal agents said the man, Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr., had been staying at a Holiday Inn in Washington and had weapons in his camper-style trailer, including a Glock handgun, a pistol, a Tavor X95 assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Mr. Meredith was charged with transmitting a threat in interstate commerce, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition, according to court records. It was not immediately clear if he had a lawyer.

My phone gives me a weekly use report. I usually average like 4hrs of screen time per day. In the last week my daily average was 9h4m, and on Insurrection Day it was 13h14m. No wonder my eyes hurt and I’ve had a headache all week.


Apparently one reason DC didn’t have a big police presence is that folks were worried Trump would take control of them as part of his coup:

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I don’t normally watch the network news because I’m too online and it’s basically remedial. However, the networks get like 3-4x the viewers of cable, so sometimes I DVR the news to see what much of the country sees.

Saw this summary of the Trump era on cbs news tonight. (This clip if from when they ran the same clip earlier in the day.)

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Funny, so the FBI already had that guy identified on the 8th. He was also separately identified on the 9th (I believe, but maybe also the 8th) by a crowdsourcing effort.

I’m just a guy from Ohio and a Midwestern middle-class family, whose grandfathers worked on the railroad.

And it shows.

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Its going to seem weird to transition to something other than “All Trump, All the Time”. We’re getting a tiny taste of what its going to feel like. Biden will not be tweeting multiple times a day. There will likely be days when we don’t see him at all. Weekday briefings with the Press Secretary will resume. Biden is not likely to be taking questions nearly as much as Trump did. I think though that the Press Secretary will have to be pretty active at least in the early going since we’ve come to expect a lot of news out of the White House.


Bill Barr obviously knew about all this shit. His resignation made no sense.


I’m not a revolutionary white supremacist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night


Just like Pompeo in Israel and Mnuchin wherever the hell he is. They all knew.

89 pages of Q people whining because their family members are disowning them.


Why phone? Don’t you have a any thing else? Tablet? Laptop? Even a desktop?

13 hours staring at my tiny phone screen would make me want to gouge my eyes out.

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And Kushner.

Without reading this it seems like some retcon bullshit.


I’m gonna fucking OD on this shit.


Fake tweet but would have been goat


I have a laptop which is added screen time of another hour+ probably, but keep that on my desk and use my phone throughout the day. Tiny screen size doesnt bother me too much.