The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

There isn’t a strategy, they’re just being Democrats.


But everyone knows Dems are anti-trump, you can tell because of the #resistance hashtag

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I can hear the promos now “The guy you wanted to kill just four years ago is now on the precipice of being the next great President of the United States”.


Think it was posted that it was from November for no mask. Still hilarious.


I’m kinda jonesing for news, tomorrow should be pretty crazy

The FBI Deputy Director dispatched SWAT teams to the Capitol at the invitation of a Congressional aide, not of Capitol Police:

The senior McConnell adviser reached a former law firm colleague who had just left the Justice Department: Will Levi, who had served as Attorney General William P. Barr’s chief of staff.

They needed help — now, he told Levi.

From his home, Levi immediately called FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich, who was in the command center in the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

Capitol police had lost control of the building, Levi told Bowdich.

The FBI official had been hearing radio traffic of aggressive protesters pushing through the perimeter, but Levi said it had gone even further: The mob had already crashed the gates and lives were at risk.

Capitol police had said previously they didn’t need help, but Bowdich decided he couldn’t wait for a formal invitation.

He dispatched the first of three tactical teams, including one from the Washington field office to secure the safety of U.S. senators and provide whatever aid they could. He instructed two more SWAT teams to follow, including one that raced from Baltimore.

Different video - this guy is screaming about being called a terrorist after being denied access to his flight

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I don’t think so. After Ukraine call they didn’t 25th amendment him and he didn’t resign. He doesn’t specify how long they need to give him to do those things or if congress needs to even ask for those things. So strictly speaking, no wrongness is admitted.

Apparently all one of the SWAT teams did was evacuate the shot woman, then not come back.

Whats happening tomorrow? Impeachment? I’m way behind ITT

Of course not. Gotta give Pence a gentlemanly 24 hours to refuse to 25th him first.


He has a mask on in the video

Yeah I see that but yashar says he spoke to the person who created the video and she said it was for no mask that he got kicked off, the only person saying it’s Capitol Hill related is some twitter account who reposted the video from tik tok. It’s possible he put it on as a last resort once he saw they were going to kick him off

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maybe the audio is dubbed

Middlebury College leadership is considering revoking an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, in response to the riots at the Capitol on Wednesday.

The college initiated the process to consider revoking the degree due to Mr. Giuliani’s role in “fomenting the violent uprising against our nation’s Capitol building on January 6, 2021 — an insurrection against democracy itself,” the school’s president, Laurie Patton, wrote in a statement on Sunday.

Mr. Giuliani was granted the honorary degree when he gave the commencement address to the Middlebury class of 2005. He was known at the time for his work as New York City mayor and for his response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Just a taste of the crazy, with bonus marshal law sighting:

The House speaker had arranged ANTIFA arrival police escorted right to the gate. They wore Trump gear. Capital Police were told to let them in and then also gave access to the building. The glass breaking was a set up for TV. CNN was given access to all of it. The headlines blurted out Trump rioters were breaking in. All to stop the session for electors. Since the house speaker restarted the session blasting Trump rioters (really ANTIFA) they gave the win to communists Biden and Harris.
The good thing is that 45 took advantage of it all and special forces loyal to 45 and the Constitution snapped up 16 laptops left on Representatives desk.
The Speaker is now running scared as her laptop is already telling some great stories about her orchestrating all of this.
45 signed the Insurrection Act last night and military forces are all over DC today, airspace shut down, huge generators being set up.
The U.S. Corporation known as The United States of America set up in 1933 is now dissolved and our Country is in the process of returning to a Republic. As arrest are planned, and 45 becomes President on 4 March with his choice of VP we will all go through a period of Marshal Law, communications down, etc. Good to get some cash, food and water if needed I hear is strongly suggested.

Meanwhile, the power outages in Pakistan, Berlin and Italy were in place to stop chyna and arrests primarily for facilitating stealing the election. Georgia too! 45 let GA go through with the rigged election simply to identify the crime and criminals involved.

Be safe and best to be with only those you can trust.

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Always the ex