The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I had to search what it was.

Also, twitter not listed WTF.

Führr: everyone gets laid because we only swipe right!


I think my friend photoshopped those, but still hilarious

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I didn’t actually watch the video until I saw your post, but holy shit! The kid is a natural.

Every time I check something lately because I think there is no way in hell that it’s real - it’s real, so I just assume everything is real now.


I considered both, found both funny and decided not to worry which one it was :)

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When has it worked the other way though?

There use to be a time way back where there was even less (none) punitive justice for whites killing minorities then now and it did not help those minorities in getting lighter sentencing for the same crime.

I get what you are saying. More laws more enforcement always comes down on black people the hardest. But not taking away white privilege and giving those whites light sentencing here i dont think will fix the problem either.

It also feeds into the right wing narrative this was not a serious thing that happened. It was just a bunch of cosplaying selfie taking fools who meant no real harm. Which for one is not true and two could also encourage more of it.

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the original did include pinterest, which is funny by itself. poor guy only managed to try one recipe for home made coup.


Did PornHub put out an official statement?

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Let me check real quick. I’ll be back in 15-20 to let you know.


I don’t want to charge the entire crowd with treason.

But guys that’s have guns and or guys that go into their offices and steal things

They should be looking at felonies.


Not exactly this, but that kinda looks like everyone here violently agreeing.

We should buy Trumpy Bear and have our own Day of the Rope.

How about ANYBODY that was in the crowd that was crushing the police?

Charge the all max. Plead down for cooperation. Fuck them.

When in doubt go with Ted Lieu


I don’t get it.

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I want the FBI looking up the online presence of the people they arrest to see if they can find what their motivation was, if there was any planning or premeditated stuff posted, and who else was involved. And then charge accordingly.

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Old fashioned twitter - the teletype.

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I’m all for charging anyone who entered the Capitol or made entering the Capitol a possibility with treason or sedition or whatever.