The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Like if only 50% of the Rs go to Parler, the FBI watches what goes on there like a hawk and the churn on Twitter and Facebook calms down on both sides with the crazies gone, like maybe we have a shot?

Lolololololol 3 accounts banned and counting, incredible


I guess the thesis is that Republicans are mad at this and when next in power they’ll come after big tech? Maybe, but I dont know what social media will look like in 4+ years. If they banned Trump and he was serving another 4 years there would be an EO on the way, sure. But they have no power. “In 4 years we’ll get you” isn’t really threatening.

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I told you guys that Olive Garden was a decent chain restaurant.


It’s fake FYI

Not in front of a DC jury.

How long until Bezos drops the hosting?

Parler was already dying, it might uptick again now for a few weeks but it has no long term future.

The part about them being dedicated to creating a safe and delightful environment?

I’m not saying it’s binary. Like, yeah, he’s not a true believer that was going to bat for Q election conspiracies like Hawley or Gaetz, but he’s certainly done his outsized share of shit to egg it on even in just the last two months. He was never a true believer but a true opportunist that’s been reading the tea leaves for the optimal moment to dismount the entire time. Nothing he says is sincere. I mean look at this joke timeline he pretends to be constrained by.

RAIDS thinks the President needs to give it up trying to circumvent the bans


You might be right. Feeds right into their martyr complex about being silenced.

Better to let them post and watch them self destruct.


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Yeah, social media has been quite clear that they only bow to power. They told Biden’s team to fuck off when he complained about something like a year ago since he was in no way a “representative of the people.”

While it’s nice that is working to our advantage atm, we should be clear eyed about who these people are.

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Can’t remember the last time the National People’s Congress was overrun by armed fascists. China not looking so bad these days tbh.

So good.


Is that one of the people who died?

Mitch is working the press with those memos. The House should still impeach, and let the Turtle do what he’s going to do.


Don’t think so.

Impeachment is 100% necessity at this point. Who cares if trial happens after Trump is out.