The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

They’re not, but the messaging on this needs to focus on this guy because he’s the only fatality who wasn’t an insurrectionist, and because he was killed by the “Law and Order, Blue Lives Matter” party.

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Daniel Ellsberg was the whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers, which revealed the US government had lied to the American public about the Vietnam war:

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I choose to believe it’s true regardless of what further details come out because it’s fucking hilarious.



huh how about that

Can Schumer? When do Ossoff and the Rev get sworn in?

I’m glad I helped get this guy elected. Could you imagine any Republican slumming it with the custodial staff to help clean up the mess left by the MAGA terrorists? But here’s Andy, at 1 in the morning, by himself cleaning up our nations Capitol.



I missed initial reports and cant find it. Any idea how he died? Trampling?

Hit in the head with a fire extinguisher

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I believe I read somewhere he was hit over the head with a fire extinguisher

Lol he lasted 12 hrs. I told you Gollum wouldn’t behave for 2 weeks without his Precious.

The GOP is clueless. They really don’t get it. They trying to run out the clock and Trump is hellbent on staying in power. They need to get him out before he does something drastic, even for him.


I was just having this conversation in a group text with some good friends. I feel like people aren’t taking this nearly as seriously as it was. And it think it’s the fact that there were plenty of clowns and rubes mixed in that is causing it. Like, sure there were plenty of clowns mixed in, but there were also a number of people who clearly were there take hostages and were prepared for a real fight, then we find credible information that the Capitol police were intentionally understaffed and the President was withholding national guard aid. That is fucking serious, who knows what would have happened if congressional members weren’t evacuated when these pieces of shit reached the chamber. It doesn’t seem like many people realize just how close we were to some kind of crazy situation where members of Congress were being held hostage and at least part of the executive branch would be in on it or shrugging their shoulders.

That’s why when people inevitably start talking about “healing” and “moving forward to get past all this” we HAVE to make sure justice is served to all who were involved in this. Healing involves dealing with this cancerous ideology that has metasticized over the last four years into an actual violent attempt to overthrow our democracy. I don’t know how we get that through to people, though.


Yeah, I think that there’s so much of a sense of relief that the coup didn’t work Wednesday that people are forgetting that Trump has exactly one tactic he goes to over and over again - double down, escalate. Everyone who is not actively working on getting him impeached/25thed should be running down the list of things that are even more extreme than an attempt at a coup and think about what has to be done to stop that. Job one should be putting a Stanislav Petrov type in between him and the nuclear codes.


Worst. Where’s. Waldo. Ever.

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I’m pissed that Twitter banned him, and don’t want them to do it now either. It prevented him from tweeting enough gibberish in the heat of the moment to get the GOP scumbags fully on board with the 25th. So now, we’re just settling for statements of condemnation and letsjustwaititout.


2 things:

  1. The cops are on their side. You should know this by now.

  2. The shooting preventing further horrors isnt a work of fiction. The senators and (likely considering it was his secret service who took the shot) the vice president (who was being treated as a traitor and treasonist by the group trying to break in) were directly down that hallway. The people on the front lines truly believed they were stopping a takeover of the country by implementing their own takeover. After the shooting they left the area which granted time to get the congresspeople out of that area.

Once the insurrectionists came back, they IMMEDIATELY made their way to Nancy Pelosi’s office. They know what and who they were looking for. If she had still been in the building, it’s likely she would be dead today.


Schumer isn’t majority leader until Kamala is sworn in.


Yeah the range on people in the mob is wide. Many of them are serving the useful idiot role.

On top off all you point out, There is hardly any talk about the explosives found and disarmed.

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This 100%. And the rubes being there was part of the plan. They provided the cover for the really bad actors to get in unabated. This was very close to being a true global disaster.

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