The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Took me decades to discover okra and Brussels sprouts are in fact delicious

Not a lawyer, but that seems cruel and unusual punishment to me

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My own crowning achievement :hugs:

King Trumpo


I once taught at a small private college that was very subpar in every aspect except for the incredible on-site chef. The meals were just absolutely fucking amazing. When I interviewed I was on the fence but the lunch in the cafeteria sealed it. Eventually some MBA-type admin took over and axed the chef for truck service prison food and I peaced out instantly.


We need our friends from across the pond here to describe her.


If we had cruel and unusual punishment - Trump should be sentenced to live the rest of his days in a trailer park in one of these small towns that rabidly supports him, on nothing but Social Security.

A record!


EARLY social security. No way Trump would have passed up early retirement. He took the money at 62 and complained for the next four.

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Just now from Telegram client:

[Someone from your phone contact list] has joined Telegram.

(It’s a Trumpy older guy I know from local poker games.)

I’ll probably have to make myself undiscoverable on here while these people file in.

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I took it as giving out the most identifying info she could. She said he was well-disguised but we could tell it’s a male about 5’4”. Seems standard for info given out about a suspect. Not sure why she’d lose you for that.

Also, yes, this is how far behind I am. I’ve been trying to catch up for the last week since this happened and I’m constantly 1500-2000 posts behind.


Congress determines the qualifications of its members, so I would guess that Congress can just refuse to seat someone based on a determination that they engaged in insurrection. No need for anyone to be convicted of anything.

I’d put him behind soundproof glass at the Smithsonian like an indoor zoo exhibit. Bomb him with Nickelodeon slime at random times so the school kids point and laugh their heads off.


Wait until you find out whether that tweet is fake… :eyes:

Welcome back and good luck!


I’ve only listen to a little of this for sanity’s sake but how many of the repugnants are calling trumps traitors anarchist?

Very few.

Most of them are calling them Antifa.

I see Thomas Robertson is a fan of Jack’s speech from A Few Good Men.

I have neither the time or the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I’d rather you just say ‘thank you’ and go on your way.