The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Alright fess up, who found and destroyed all of Sheldon Adelson’s horcruxes?


Looks like Dump Trump is finally trending…

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They were saying Boo-urns

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adelson dead?


I don’t know what the appropriate response is here but I know it’s not what’s actually going to happen: nothing.

One of these motherfuckers dying per month would be great. I’ll nominate Limbaugh for February.


re: self-pardons, it seems like a bad idea for trump to try it. biden is so obsessed with “healing” or whatever that it seems almost impossible that he’ll go after Trump. But if trump self-pardons, it would be insane to let that precedent stand unchallenged. He’ll be forced to take it to court. There’s probably less than 1% chance that SCOTUS lets it stand, right? And once SCOTUS rules that it’s invalid, you can’t just “well, hold up, we didn’t really want to prosecute him after all” can you?


My religion says I can only eat Smith & Wollensky steaks.


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I agree that it would tend to guarantee Trump’s prosecution but I don’t think anyone knows how likely it is the SC would invalidate the pardon. Seems like law experts come down on both sides so 1% seems awfully low.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times: if you’ve lost the greeting card lobby you truly have no future as a politician.


Apparently Trump is refusing to pardon anyone until someone tells him it’s ok to pardon himself. Nail biting time for Kushner (he’s going to pardon everyone including himself).


Any justice that would uphold a self pardon is a joke. It is so antithetical of the whole concept of the Constitutional government as to be “self-evident”.

The power to self pardon is the power of a monarch (or in today’s world a dictator).


This is absolutely right. I don’t know that there actually are any legal scholars who believe that a self-pardon is valid, but if there are, it’s definitely the sort of thing that only a law professor could convince themselves of. The Supreme Court upholding one would be a consummate act of corruption. I mean, Bill freaking Barr isn’t corrupt enough to tell Trump he can pardon himself!


Terrifying what the next fascist will do with a self-pardon power

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Amazing! If it is what you say it is, I love it!

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Sure? I’m just saying I don’t think it is even remotely a settled question. Nixon’s pardon by Ford was never challenged, and that’s at least self-pardon adjacent. Nixon’s lawyers thought he could pardon himself, so it’s not something that all law people agree on, like Ted Cruz being able to run for president even though he’s a Canadian.

System is so fucked up that no one really questions why a greetings card company has a Political Action Committee - everyone has to pay.


I think there is an OLC or some similar written opinion from Watergate saying a self-pardon is invalid. I mean this is lol obvious, but it should also be obvious that a sitting president can be charged for being a criminal and we apparently can’t do that.

Separately, zero discussion anywhere that Mrs. Clarence Thomas funded the insurrection and is straight up QAnon.

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let’s be honest, even if Trump does pardon all the kids and himself AND somehow the self-pardon holds up, they’re all gonna commit approximately 40 new felonies each before the end of the day on the 20th.

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