The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

someone’s tired of having barron around


From context and listening to the question the … is “Maryland”. I’m not sure if she means she wanted an answer or if the question itself confused her, but if it’s the latter it’s because Maryland bought 500k tests from SK. If it’s the former it’s because Trump is negligent and incompetent.

Was surprised to find out one of Australia’s deplorable Trump supporters Steve Price made a complete 180 since Trump made the injecting disinfectants comment and his subsequent statements of it being sarcastic and not taking responsibilty. If this continues we finally might get to a point where the GOP decides to cut their losses and throws Trump under the bus.

lol right, yeah, i mean, you’d think, right?

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Is that a crack in the wall of nonsense?

It does seem some percentage of trumplorables draw a line when they feel themselves or friends and family are directly threatened with death.

Pretty extreme line to have to cross to get people to jump ship and it might just be a tiny fraction or it could be a sizable amount.

I don’t give credit though, to people who need to be shot squarely between the eyes with a nuclear miss before they take action.
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Trump simply never thinks like a normal human. The media, and people in general are not going to be “happy” because their local hospitals have a bunch of ventilators. Having a bunch of ventilators would indicate that a bunch of people in their community are on death’s door. He seems to want us to react as though we had won the lottery. Same with testing. Its not about willy-nilly testing. Its about having a testing plan that allows the public to have confidence that they can go out without getting sick. At this rate, we’ll never have that.


It is amazing with thousands dying every day he still makes every single thing about him. No chance people want the economy reopened without unnecessarily killing people. Trump literally has the worst personality to do the job he has.

People are complaining because trump is failing at his job, not because they are trying to troll him.

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Pretty rich coming from the guy who built his political career by bitching about Obama on Twitter for 5 years

I’m sure somewhere in the other ~2,000 tweets from him about Obama he congratulates Obama for doing the absolute bare minimum.

If this motherfucker gets re-elected…

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Name one

Pretty funny he was bashing Obama for a deficit number he managed to surpass in one two month period.
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But you see, Trump only had a giant deficit because he inherited such a disaster from Obama.