The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

A ham sandwich could beat Trump.

Trumpā€™s approval has been a slow steady rise since the beginning of 2018. Covid will hurt him as little as Russia and the Ukraine didā€¦unless it kills him or a significant and disproportionate number of his voters. And under those circumstances weā€™re more live than ever for emergency no election.

Dubya should have lost handily in 2004, and yetā€¦

Why do you think Trumpā€™s trying to call himself a war time president?

Tommy Lee could use an editor but he can turn a phrase. I didnā€™t know there were branded butt plugs. After heā€™s out of office, Trump can add those to the shit with his name on it he has manufactured in China.


Specifically, according to Poincare

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Unfortunately ā€œcouldā€ and ā€œwillā€ arenā€™t the same thing.

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This guy will be secretary of defense in a few weeks.


Maybe he wonā€™t get confirmed (paging narrator).

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( twitter | raw text )

Iā€™m not a social scientist, but there appears to be a new Democrat hoax every time a GOP candidate makes it into the Oval

Unemployment graph


And this sycophant dumbass is doing literally the exact same thing he accused Captain Crozier of doing! Whoā€™s being naive Kay??

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Exactly. He didnā€™t think his off-the-wall speech was going to be leaked to the agenda-laden media?

Counter: He knew it would be leaked and thinks it proves heā€™s amazing, just like his perfect transcript

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It proves heā€™s fucking amazing.

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Art with proof.

How not to flatten the curveā€¦

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