The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VII: We Are All Going To Die, Thanks Obama!

Please no. No spiking footballs about his losing in November until it actually happens.


The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: The calm before the storm

I think if we’re going to change the lyrics, then this is the right order.

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“:So close to winning that the victory is within bleach”


We somehow managed to win two world wars with a fairly limited military at the start. It’s possible to have an ok military and build a good one over the course of a war when you have friendly neighbors and an ocean on either side. I don’t mind too much that the US military is basically a massive welfare program. It bothers me how inefficient it is as a welfare program.

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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Turns out it’s going to be pretty bad actually


The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

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Except for the many states that had record cases this weekend like Texas and Wisconsin and others.

Shorten it and it’s perfect

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Victory is within Bleach


The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Mission Accohmplshd
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There’s your new thread title.

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For some reason it really hit me today that our nominee will be Biden and I’ve been thinking of all the ways he’s going to fuck up on the campaign and I’m shook

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Yeah. Why is it that the party hasn’t been able to cultivate a candidate over all this time? Is it the DNC’s job to do that? I mean, maybe get someone charismatic in a high profile position like House Speaker to gain some prominence, or something. Or do viable candidates just have to emerge on their own? It is kind of demoralizing. I have to keep telling myself though that we’re electing more than just a President. Its a whole administration.

According to the Bernie supporters who rage whenever the DNC shows any interest in who wins the primary, we are supposed to wait for someone to emerge.