The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Lollllllllll Trump

Is a handler doing this to boost his low energy? Sad.
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Is he gonna do American Samoa?

This is pathetically sad.
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Tomorrow he is hiring for $200 a day anyone who will text all their friends with a reference to “Big Mike Bloomberg”

Good God, Trump is the worst human alive but he’s just destroying Mini Mike.

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Unironically enjoying his Twitter feed tonight. Absolute masterclass gents

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If nothing else, Trump is painfully aware of just how broke he is. He will die never knowing what it’s like to burn $700 million just to cross “run for POTUS” off a bucket list.

He did probably flush a couple hundo milly checking off bankrupt a casino though.

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Goddamn. There are only negative adjectives to describe this vile POS. Imagine going to meet this idiot for some important meeting and his handlers give you instructions so you don’t accidentally say or do something that makes him flip out and take some action that erases $1,000,000,000,000 of value from the stock market or suddenly withdraw troops from a region without consulting his experts. I have nothing good to say about him except that I find some of his insults slightly amusing.

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His insults are not amusing. They are pathetic.

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Anyone know how Trump did in the Virginia primary? I have’t seen any tweets about it…

Is Trump going to thank places like Guam and American Samoa in March?