The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

They could have served Hamberder


From that story it seems that as well as Trump etc. ignoring all the foreign stuff, Indians are furious they served ‘westernised’ versions of their food in the first place. I hope all world leaders take this as a neat parable on the usefulness of compromise with this US regime.

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Florida Man is infamous for enjoying a classically American diet, featuring cheeseburgers, Diet Coke, well-done steak and ice cream among his favourite dishes.


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Well if Melania ain’t gonna do it for him…

That’s why he groomed Ivanka

These are the events that good marriages are built on. At least she tried, and you laughed about it.


This is amazing.

Stocks are getting killed again…


This could definitely be a 2008 replay. And I have zero faith in the media to not run with “can’t elect a socialist in the face of a recession.” But I don’t think it will matter.



Yes, everyone you didn’t appoint should recuse themselves from ruling on your cases. Only your appointees can be fair toward you, oh great King Donald. In fact, who needs a Supreme Court anyway, am I right? You know what’s best for all of us!

Fucking dictatorial piece of shit.


Recession would be good for Bernie’s chances, assuming he’s the nominee.

Sounds like thousands of Americans are going to die from coronavirus, at which point Trump will brag about the reduction in unemployment.

Like right now the cliff notes are:

  1. Cut funding to respond to pandemics.
  2. Tell the public everything is totally fine, don’t worry, don’t prepare, I’ve got this.
  3. Ask for not enough money to respond to it.
  4. Get the right wing media machine pushing out the WAAf (we are all fine) narrative.
  5. Announce that you are close to a vaccine.
  6. But actually you don’t know the difference between COVID-19 and Ebola.

I fear it is then…

  1. Blame Democrats for all of the deaths
  2. Make sure coronavirus ravages a few immigrant detention centers.
  3. Claim they were the ones that brought coronavirus in, that’s why it’s the radical Democrats fault.

Strong gems don’t get through strong gene’s Cuse

It would be good for him once he’s the nominee, I’m not sure it’s good for him becoming the nominee. Generally speaking, as the front runner, you don’t want a big shakeup. Specifically speaking, it lets Biden make two key arguments:

  1. I was by Obama’s side and helped him guide the country away from a huge recession in 2008. I can do it again.

  2. Now is not the time to start spending tons of money like Bernie wants to. HOW WILL WE PAY FOR IT???

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Why would a coronavirus briefing be classified?

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So the virus doesn’t know how we’re planning to stop it, duh.