The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

read Red Notice, the Magnitsky Act was heavily opposed by Obama/Biden/Clinton. It was smaller Democrats and McCain that got it passed. It passed heavily and Obama couldn’t veto it because of its overwhelming support /optics.

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to celebrate the gay movie in india trump is going to exhibit the short film he made with rudy giuliani where rudy is a drag queen and trump sexually assaults him

Bernie is against russian sanctions. He’s always voted against them.

he’s consistent with yeah they should be punished but nearly every time he’s had the opportunity, he’s voted no.

Obama on Russia was pretty poor overall; Europe is pretty much dgaf on Russia atm too. Wish they knew being nice to people that aren’t only backfires.

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Why’d they oppose it?

I think the sanctions package over 2016 election meddling had sanctions against Iran too. His stated reason for voting against the package was the Iran sanctions.


I also think as @Smacc_25 pointed out Bernie will not be for any sanctions that hurt the people. He will want sanctions that target the corrupt/evil leaders directly.

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He’s gonna be so mad when he finds out
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And yet they keep giving these assholes a platform outside of Fox.

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It’s going to be real fun when Trump DQs Bernie from running in like October and arrests him for treason. Laying the groundwork now.

Honestly some shit like that is super live. I won’t go down without a fight though.

Well if Russia is going to try to help Bernie I guess we’re going to really need some of those election security bills to pass.


They were trying for a softer stance back when they thought Russia could be an ally. Didn’t want to do anything that could upset that relationship
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