The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

You know, I was on the fence about Trump, but now that he mocked Parasite, I’m voting Democrat.

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Amazing, I though he knew everything :flushed:

Staffer for Nunes, right?

Yet another time where I did have to watch the clip wondering if he really did say all this, because it sounds like a parody. The answer is yes.

“How bad were the Academy Awards this year?” he asked, prompting jeers from the crowd. “Did you see it?”

“The winner is… a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all about?” he went on. “We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of that, they give them best movie of the year? Was it good? I don’t know. Let’s get ‘Gone With the Wind.’ Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please?”

“So many great movies…” he bemoaned before again mocking, “the winner is from South Korea!”

“I thought it was best foreign film, right? Best foreign movie,” he said. “Did this ever happen before?”

Hmm, wonder why he wants Gone With the Wind back…



World traveller too…

Warren would’ve dropped out within a week if bloomberg didn’t enter this debate. She was out of money. I’d guess that’s not real electable either, but what do I know.

or look at any of the hundred or so far HU warren vs Trump polls that have her losing every single one to 270; most of them popular vote too.

Look I don’t like bloomberg at all, but this forum’s narrative of warren’s electable has so far, zero basis of any evidence to support it.


It’s not likely to happen, but seeing him pressured to follow through on his promise of supporting the nominee with his money regardless of who it is would be HILARIOUS if it was Warren. It’ll still be quite enjoyable with Bernie.

He’s going to be running ads like, “Bernie Sanders is a commie leftist socialist dictator in the making, but at least he’s not Donald Trump. Vote for… ugh… Bernie. (cue hostage video style shot) I’m Mike Bloomberg and I am required to tell you that I approved this message.”


I’d guess bloomberg would just do attack trump ads if it’s not him regardless of whoever it was rather than pro that person.

Most likely, yeah.

Monster trump

Is Bloomberg the type who would want a Republican Senate to keep someone like Sanders or Warren in check?
( twitter | raw text )

Yep, if Sanders or Warren is the nominee I have a feeling he’ll donate a lot to Republican Senators.

Lest we forget our President is a petulant child overflowing with dumb.

No tiktok definitely suspected to be dangerous since it got bought and rebranded by Chinese company.

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