The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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Imagine relying on a guy convicted of lying to Congress who got off scot free after a pardon going to congress to tell the truth.

If you read a story about a president in, like, South America who narrowly avoided being removed from office for clearly unlawful conduct, and then immediately proceeded to replace the intelligence community with a bunch of his propagandist supporters, that’s a country that’s sliding into some kind of a military dictatorship like 10/10 times right?




We’ve discussed it before but US immigration laws are quite liberal compared to other more “socialist” countries around the world.

As much as I wish Florida was straight-up blue, it’s gotta be a good thing that the polls are so close with almost anyone vs Trump instead of unabashed worship, no? Bueller?


This poll says we should nominate bloomberg and it’s not remotely close as he’s up 6. (everyone else is basically tied, same as it ever was in FL)

Nobody here wants this.

I think you’re missing something here. She is much more Barr’s superior than vice versa. She had pretty wide discretion and, like many judges, felt the sentencing guidelines were out of line and the DOJ, as usual, was excessive in its sentencing recommendation (it’s now official DOJ policy to seek the maximum penalty under the guidelines (other than for friends of Trump)). I would have liked for Stone to get 9 years or life, but 3.3 years, while too low imo, is adequate.

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I suppose its more of not expecting to much more, as the only spine so far I’ve seen is Letica James? The NY attorney.

I was not getting my hopes up because I hate RS more than any other person on the planet.

I said when Trump was elected that stone was the only one of his close associates that would receive a pardon because Trumps actually scared of him, I still think that holds true and the only hope we have is if trump forgets lol.

Really hard to imagine Sanders pulling out a win in FL after all the olds get terrified by propaganda about Socialism coming to get them for months on end. It’s depressing looking at the map with 270 for the GOP after you take the 2016 map and flip PA and MI. Hard to say where the next state is coming from. Possibly NC is the best hope? I guess the good news is that there are several states that are possibilities.

Thanks… I listened to Preets podcast there and it doesn’t help hearing them also freak… I’m trying to stay calm before I explode :grin:

I hope something breaks soon and someone develops a spine, until then I don’t know tbh it’s been a long year already and even today was :flushed: bad.

I agree here, the shit he done during the trial has sent folks to jail for longer I suspect.

I wrote what I posted because I’m sure I said that 3/4 was good for me when he was going through trial.
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Nice green screen buddy!

Sure coincidence of fund raiser and administration publicly supporting them in a massive lawsuit.

Hardworking Americans you say? I guess that means they’re all billionaires, right?

It says if the election were held today we should nominate Bloomberg. Fortunately, it’s not today.