The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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  1. Sisyphus and “Existence”
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Wish you guys would invade us, last time we burnt down your white house and left. This time, we may stay around a little longer

You were still a British colony at the time it doesn’t count for you.

Weren’t they a British colony until like 1980?

Edit: I see I was wrong, was actually 1982.


Don’t worry guys, Pompeo was just meeting to fix the next election.

Been seeing the “remember when Bill Clinton met the Attorney General at the airport” posts making the rounds.

Yes, I do, and it was completely fucking inappropriate and sowed the seeds for whats happening right now! The reason people retreat into “they’re all the same, at least Trump makes me feel good with the racism” is precisely because of shit like that!


Yeah I’m sure if Bill never met Lynch then Trump supporters and GOP Congress critters would be stopping him and Barr right now.

Not a large enough :roll_eyes: for that


Yeah that’s not even close to what I said or implied.

lmao yeah that’s totally the same thing. This is whataboutism. Either ignore it or fight it but don’t fucking accept it as a rational argument.

You said it sowed the seeds for what’s happening now. That implies that if he didn’t do that then something would be different now and nothing would.

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Man if you guys don’t think the Clintons being absolute scumbags is a huge part of why we’re here then I don’t even know what forum I’m posing on anymore.


Maybe if Dems had more candidates with the integrity and authenticity of Bernie Sanders and fewer candidates who were ethically challenged swamp monsters like the Clintons…well, Republicans would still be lying bastards, but their lies would be more obvious.

Clintons being scumbags helped him beat her in the election, but his fans would still be whatabouting and JAQing off even if they were angels.

Tho at the same time half of the shit everyone hates about the Clintons are lies made up by the derposphere.

Hopefully we will see how true this is when Bernie wins the nom, but I think you’ll be disappointed with how obvious people find the lies.

I have a pretty poor view of human nature, so I won’t be surprised.

Chasing the Clintonian grifter class out of the Democratic Party will allow the left to accomplish more because we won’t be fighting wars on two fronts.

Yeah they hate Obama almost as much as the Clintons. It’s the racism, xenophobia, and hate that got us Trump.

But yeah the country would be much better obv if we didn’t have shitbags like the Clintons.


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