The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

More than both of those, he’d rather run against Biden or Bloomberg after the DNC fucks Bernie. That is what Trump really wants.


When does he go full blown religious? He’s vocally weaponizing hypocrisy against Christianity right now.



It the Taliban guy is holding an AK47, the Elephant should be holding an AR15.


McCain went so far as to pick a female running mate without learning the first thing about her

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He thinks bernie supporters are most easily discouraged from voting against him, and unfortunately he’s right


He’ll run the same anti-Socialism fear campaign the gutter press ran here against Corbyn, and I think it will work.

I don’t believe this for a second. Bernie is the only other populist in the race and therefore the most likely to beat Trump. Even Trump, as dumb as he is, knows this. This is how we know that centrists and MSM prefer a 2nd Trump term to Bernie


If there was a Dem on the ballot for AG in 2018 they win hands down.

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Trump does not play 3-D chess. That is way too many moves ahead. He just wants to run against Bernie.

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Probably. Also they dont want Bernie supporters to support the dem nominee if they rat fuck bernie.

He is on tape in a private conversation saying he was worried about Hillary making Bernie her VP because bernie was good on trade like him.

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I agree. He thinks Bernie will mud wrestle the most. Trump revels in that shit. Lots of shouting of lies, no humiliating apologies, fuck you. He’s probably drooling over the prospect of many grand rallies before adoring crowds of morons.

Trump thinking Bernie is the best person to run against makes it a mortal lock hes the worst.

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I don’t know about taking it this far but a big lol at giving a shit who Trump wants to run against. The man’s either a moron or he isn’t… and the evidence that he’s a moron is overwhelming.


That’s still too many moves ahead.

Meh, can’t ask if you already volunteered.

I don’t know. When I read about the irreparable damage being done to the GOP by Trump, I think back to the 2013 government shutdown. Republicans, led by tea party boneheads, refused to pass a budget that included Obamacare and caused a painful shutdown. They lost, it was a disaster, and they took most of the blame.

I can’t find the worst of the punditry, but there were claims at the time that it was the death of the GOP, total humiliation, they’d have to shut down the party and rebrand with a new name, guaranteed Democratic majorities for a generation, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Trump declared his candidacy less than 2 years later. Maybe this time is different and I hope you’re right, but what seems like catastrophic institutional damage sometimes just seems to fade away.

The shutdown is a total disaster for the GOP

Poll: Major damage to GOP after shutdown, and broad dissatisfaction with government