Yea man if you don’t see this setting up as a “BIASED OBAMA JUDGE, DEEP STATE, IGNORED DOJ” Twitter rant while he pardons Stone, you haven’t been paying attention.
He’ll start with STONE HAS BEEN MISTREATED and it will morph over the course of a few weeks to STONE DID NOTHING WRONG and everyone else will write more strongly worded letters.
The good news about this Stone nonsense is after the inevitable pardon Trump will be distracted for a few days whining to Twitter about how unfair they are denying Roger his right to freeze peach.
Meanwhile in the Senate, in between blocking election security bills, Cocaine Mitch is ramming another handful of wholly unqualified racists down our collective throats and on to the federal bench for life.
A third prosecutor in the Roger Stone case is now reportedly resigning. While the resignations are appreciated, its really not enough. They have to now speak out and give us the behind-the-scenes story of what happened in this situation.