The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Truth, and it was debunked the same way when that orange fuck tweeted it in 2015.

I’m just amazed at the stupidity required for him to go there with that tweet today.

Like, somebody had to tell him that his base agrees and the radical gnarly leftist democrats don’t like Miini Mike because he says shit like that.

Missed the tweet about Bloomberg and racism and now it’s deleted.

What was it?

Includes the elimination of subsidized student loans for poor kids. Because of course it does.

This specific clip,

and trump all,

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For those of you that think Dem candidates or surrogates need to be credible and not hypocrites wrt their messaging, I present to you Exhibit 532 of Trump’s successful hypocrite messaging campaign.

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I think that 22% or whatever support he had from blacks in the last QU release might go down a touch next poll.

Lol at citing Trump’s “inconsistency” as if it matters at all. For his supporters, he is trolling Bloomberg & giving them ammo to troll Ds who call them racist.

For Ds and specifically minorities, he is giving them a reason to say “both sides are racist” and stay home or even vote Trump because of some other issue that is important to them. Only need to peel off a tiny percentage there to be successful.

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If “we” nominate Mike Bloomberg, one might say it is “us” that gives them that reason.


Possibly, but it also might be baked in already. Even some black folks don’t see the problem with SnF and similar racial profiling because, at least imo, it’s easy for an otherwise intelligent person to not get it and have a what-am-I-missing moment. Like, if I was designing a test about manifestations of racism it might be in the medium to hard categories.

Easier or harder than voter id?



Wouldn’t that just be blowers?

Controversial take, but I can totally see Trump just letting Roger Stone rot in jail when/if he leaves office. He certainly hasn’t helped Manafort, who doesn’t look like he’s doing well in prison.

Giuliani is more of a personal friend, I don’t think he ever goes to jail.

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I think Donald Trump has a long history of abandoning friends in their hour of need so this isn’t a hot take at all. I mean if you can show me someone he stood by when the going got rough I’ll be surprised. Starting with Roy Cohn it’s his standard MO to forget your name as soon as you fall down.

It doesn’t matter for Dem supporters, either. It’s a human condition that’s universal.
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Current waaf hot take:

Dem candidate wins a close EC race and there is immediate tweets about all of the voter fraud that happened.

Week later its announced that the DOJ is investigating the results of the election.

A week before inauguration its announced that Barr found widespread voter fraud in the rust belt changing the course of the election that he can’t reveal for security reasons.

Inauguration is canceled. Dems go to the supreme court. 5-4 against them, “you can impeach and remove him if you think he did something wrong”.

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